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Fire Dept. Boston

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Everything posted by Fire Dept. Boston

  1. I don`t know why, but I cant see any link in the content-boxes. Am I the only one with this problem? Well, if I have something to ask or Ideas I will gladfull use your offer. Nice to see that you like my content. Cheers guys.
  2. Small mods can also be great. Whats about a small map with one fire station on a typical street in las vegas?
  3. Thank you Itchboy for the nice pictures. There are some ideas, that i like. I think this rear could be a nice Idea: https://www.glickfire.com/delivery/cecil-townshipfire-company-3 (... great that I can download the drawing on this page )
  4. Thank you, that you moved the topic. Yes Sure, but I don`t know what for a rear I should do, maybe a Quint or normal Engine rear.
  5. Dear guys, i'm working on a multiplayer modification. For this mod i built/build a lot of content. For example a Ford Mini Pumper, a Velocity Cab,... I want to show you on what I´m working and to get a opinion from the community. Here the Velocity Cab from Pierce. What do you guys think? I used Parts of Hoppahs old Engine. Cheers and greetings from Germany
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