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Posts posted by Madman

  1. I definitely appreciate your opinion Mike, thanks for the reply. I hear what you are saying about the extremely limited role that a unit of that type would play. I guess I'm just trying to think about ways to make the freeplay gameplay even more realistic.

  2. Thanks Mike.

    I was just thinking they might add another level into the game if an arson unit was added, (I try to role play in the game). I know they would serve zero functional purpose, but they could be sent on scene after an arson and you would be forced to deal with the traffic restrictions imposed.

    Do any engines or other apparatus stay on scene during an arson investigation for any hot spots/general safety? If so, that would be something you'd be forced to contend with during a post fire investigation in the game.

  3. Thanks for the info Mike. I was looking at your site for a rear USAR88 shot and didn't find that one to know if the truck had an actual arrow bar or not; I knew you'd have the answer. The looks of those side lights on the brush truck look very similar to strobe based lights, that's what threw me - if they are simple halogen lights, then they are correct the way they are and I retract my request. :12:

  4. All the updates sound great Hoppah!

    Have you decided to use the Hazmat at Fire Station #2 for sure? I never get a Hazmat call playing in the 911 freeplay map and only rarely in the deluxe map. Might I suggest the brush truck? That forest on the top right of the 911 freeplay map always seems to have a fire and it gets out of control really fast.

    Any chance to add a directional light bar to the USAR Squad? Or would there be no room for the command because of the flood lights? It would be nice if you could so the USAR could direct traffic at an accident.

    Question/comment about the brush truck. Is the current truck in the mod moddelled off of LAFD truck 28?


    If so, is it a dually in the game? (I forget and am not going to fire it up to look right now) Could you also adjust the strobe light flash patterns on the sides of the truck? Right now they blink really slow and it doesn't seem to match what they should be - this is simply an aesthetic request and nothing more.

    Thanks Hoppah, keep up the great work.

  5. In regards to the Police spot light - this was discussed a long time ago and Hoppah explained to us that the mod could either have a spot light, (which the Police vehicles originally had, or the directional arrow bar. If I remember correctly, there was overwhelming support for the directional bar as it would have more practical use in the game. Like Mike said, the light engine in the game is terrible and adding more lights on top of other lights doesn't make things easier to see...quite the opposite.

  6. Hoppah, I like that you tweaked the vehicle entry points on the freeplay map, (I used to do that myself to add a little more realism).

    I really think it would add to the freeplay map if you adjusted the time it took for offscreen units to get to the map - by adjusting the map properties. This would make it more realistic as an offscreen unit should take considerably more time to arrive on scene than a truck on the map would.

  7. It's probably how I play the game - I use the BC to call all trucks and never use the panel to staff the trucks. Maybe the BC script is what's calling for 4 FFs to be in the aerial.

    Haha, I forgot about those little details Mike. The reason I was asking is that I'm not a big fan of the vector style lightbar on the current aerial. It would be very cool if simply for the sake of change and visual modernization that a new light bar, (led?), be put on the aerial.

  8. Because the fire engine's have a watercannon now, I am probably going to replace the watertender with the USAR squad in fire station 1. :)

    And I am going to make some equipment changes, because LAFD engine's do NOT carry extrication gear (jaws of life) and a jump bag in real life. The USAR squad and LACoFD Heavy Equipment Squad will carry them and you need to call one of them to get people out of crashed cars.

    Excellent choice Hoppah!! This is really going to add to the mod, great work.

    Can you tweak the number of firefighters called for the aerial. Right now, the initial alarm calls 2 and then evey other alarm calls 4. I know how to edit the script, but think you should change it permanently in the game so there is only ever 2 firefighters called for the aerial.

    Another question about the aerial - is the current light bar accurate?

    Keep up the outstanding work.

  9. LAFD has only 3 water tenders

    I'd like to see the tender permanently replaced in the fire hall with something like the USAR truck or even a bush buggy. (Maybe in 1.7, you could have Hazmat in station 1 and then have the bush buggy in station 2.) Leave the tender off screen if someone wanted to use it, but it just seems to make every fire too easy to put out.

    Just a suggestion.

  10. Something minor today while playing. I had Fire Engine 2 at a scene with 4 firefighters attached to it with hoses. I tried to activate the directional arrow command but got a message of "Cannot execute command" and clicking the button again gave me the same message.

    I'll see if I can replicate it again later, but just thought I'd let you know.

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