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Everything posted by piloto19hh

  1. This mod it's absolutelly amazing!! But I just have a question, how can I disconnect an engine from the tanker? lol Enviado desde mi LG-E610v mediante Tapatalk
  2. As far as I know, not from the USEnviado desde mi LG-E610v mediante Tapatalk
  3. Actually, boxed copies are not only for Germany, here in Spain we can buy them. Deluxe version with the firetruck too
  4. Hi, my request is a Spanish siren. I have selected 3 videos, and the part of each video when you can clearly listen them, so you can choose min 7:55 min 10 - (3rd tone) min 11:43 ---- min 2:12 ----- 0:50 1:58
  5. I spent about 650€ (I think $800) on my PC, and fortunately I can run it. I have a GeForce GTX 750 1GB GDDR5 and a quad-core Intel i5 3.2GHz with 8 GB ram. Also, I'm sorry for those of you who can't handle it
  6. I have the same problem. When I click OK the game says: Cannot establish internet connection
  7. piloto19hh


    I use steam, my username is piloto19hh.
  8. Yeah, I hope that's real and they release an USA English version on 30th November.
  9. Yeah, I don't know how much will take until the game it's released on the USA, but here's a email from a user in this forum which says that the game will be in English at the first release. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/19385-Emergency-5-English-translation I hope that it's true.
  10. They said the game will be in English at the release.
  11. Cool then, I'll join as soon as I get on my computer
  12. Awesome!! I can see Guardia Civil There too
  13. Hey, at the download page, open the download link in another tab and don't close any tab until the download finishes. Try that.
  14. It's just me or v.1.0 and the update link are the same EDIT: Image added:
  15. I'm having that "End Of Mission" message too
  16. Hi, You need to edit the script LAFirestationStart to make them spawn at the start of the game
  17. That's right, maybe they should do 2 versions, one in each language. Catalan/Spanish and English.
  18. My game crashes when I scroll down the extras page. I had to edit the shortcut with my em4 directory.
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