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Posts posted by Dosedmonkey

  1. Do you know how it works?

    The powder is a potassium based compound. It is safe and non-toxic. It is, however, an irritant - much like accidentally breathing flour dust would be. Any time firefighters are involved with fires and Fire Interruption Technology, demonstration or otherwise, they recommend you wear your SCBA.

  2. Thanks for all the compliments guys. Hope I can get it in game with minimal hassal!

    Any luck with the fire fogger yet or will you just assume it's the thing you said in the end?

    If I put it into the mod, which I hopefully will do eventually, I will use the trailer for the mobile hydrants, as the actual panzig 6x6 does not have a pump on board I believe. So remember to hitch it!

  3. I'm Marine Engineering Officer, but because of the nature of ships I'm trined in, Advanced Fire Fighting And Command, Advanced First Aid, Sea Survival and Proficiency in Rescue Boats and craft.

    Most of our fire training and situations are in enclosed ship mock ups, very small rooms, except engine room where its a couple or few stories with gantries running around it, so watch out for from fire below, large enclosed Class B (Oil) fires are scary as hell and you end up swimming in foam, one time we had to enter through a shaft just big enough to crawl though in BA gear, and I was No. 3 in the team, so third back, in the middle of the shaft tunnel type thing, and i liturally couldn't see anything but foam, would of drowned if i didn't have BA gear!

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