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Everything posted by cletus

  1. yeah. idk why there was even a vote.... everyone likes the actual led.
  2. yeah i like 1.4 better myself... looks more realistic
  3. i am sad. i think the plan led would had looked better....
  4. Can some one send this to me. i would love to help
  5. lol i never got to download it to see if there was a issue. im sure its a prototype issue conflicting with a mod. happens all the time
  6. i had to go into the editor to copy and paste/ delete to make prl mod to work with this mod.
  7. sorry can u teach me how to edit the light bars?
  8. Me too. And no u don't have to test if u know that u r just that good! I wish there was some cv tho. I'll live w/o or switch things around
  9. yes. shane is currently working on the newer version. these things take time and there usually released when there finished. also no one usually knows when they are near release due to the extensive time and testing.
  10. have to use the editer and open up the map folder. and u can add units but there is some complex scripting involved. shane green is working on a mod,i hope the the inveter of this mod works with that mad wit the lights if its cleared.
  11. ha i figured out how to put the units on the map. dont know how to spwan people tho.
  12. i want to learn how to add units in parking spaces.....
  13. i know. im just familure with the truck. its 1 of 2 squad/ rescue units here in cincinnati. what do u mean 3d led?
  14. do u live in cincinnati steve? i live close to that fire house.
  15. does this replace units or are these extras?
  16. yay!!!! this is exciting to know..... i tried hard to make this happen on my own but i could never get the scripting completly right
  17. hey i have a quick qestion.... adding units or adding s.g mod would not effect 2.0 would it? your just adding and not replacing much if anything at all. just a question before i start remodding again.
  18. i was affraid of that. will that over writewhat i have done? i answered my own questions lol well poop i guess ill be spending some time fixing and adding lol. i remember seeing a file tho i just dont know where.
  19. im looking for the script to edit to make the tiller not blow up. any and all help is greatfull.
  20. can we get one at the hospital to or is that asking for to much???
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