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Everything posted by JediHutch61

  1. If they're doing E7, L1, B1's house, I don't think that the WTC complex/memorial park will be included, since it is not in their frist due area. That is E10 L10's first due area, since it is right across the street from their station.
  2. Thank you so muh for this, I can finally use my Rescue.
  3. Ok, I thought I saw someone say that they had found the problem and fixed it.
  4. Can someone tell me how to fix the Hazmat and the USAR not leaving the station?
  5. In Columbus we do not have extrication equpied ladders. The only reason ladders are on our freeway assignment card is for closing the freeway. Our normal Vehicle Accident assignment, Engine, Rescue, Medic (If a freeway assignment add EMS coordinator.) Working extrications, add't Engine, Rescue and Medic + SO2 and Batt. Chief. (only by Batt. Chief or SO2 request will a ladder be dispatched.)
  6. Will you be putting in an EMS and a Rescue Station?
  7. Will you be releasing the fix for R1 and the Hazmat or are you going to just wait and release the new version?
  8. 2. is because they are NYPD auxillary officers which are a volunteer branch of the NYPD and are not allowed to carry weapons.
  9. I also noticed that the van that you replaced the LASD SAR vehicle with has its model all screwed up. I will post in game shot if you want.
  10. Just a suggetion for you. On the NYPD side instead of having an FDNY firefighter, you could put either an ESU Truck or an ESU officer. I just think it may stick to the theme better
  11. Got to say I love that interface, heyjoojoo. Looks great.
  12. It is actually both. The rear end is a patient compartment, then up front and the first compartment on the module hold Firefighting tools, a pump, and a cafs system. They also have a 250 gal. tank.
  13. I was wondering are you going to add the new braun Patriot in your mod?
  14. Dyson, good luck on your exams. And thanks for an excellent submod.
  15. Actually I believe that it is a very logical option. Here, if you're on the medic for your shift and you get called on a fire, there is a good chance you'll be first on sence, due to the way our system is set up. If you have an ALS call for example you have to have a Medic and an Engine respond, so if your house's engine is out... you get my point. The role of the first medic on scene of a fire here is to act as a fire company. If it is a working fire, the next medic is to set up rehab and coordinate with the EMS Coordinator to get additional medics coming in for your transport capabilities. So if your the first medic, having the ability to put some of the "wet stuff on the red stuff" is better than being able to do nothing. Thats my two sense any way.
  16. Dyson the mod looks great, just a suggestion for later versions, add VO's and script the patrol cars to spawn at the Police station is stead of placeing them there in the editor. Makes the cars play able.
  17. The EMT-Basics, I have not had a problem with them picking up a pt. it is the paramedics that have the problem. I am also having the vehicle issues with the police cruisers. This shows what is happening with the police curisers. 911.zip
  18. I reinstalled my version of the LA mod, and have v 2.0.2. No other mods. I get the missing prototype box for the USAR Firefighter.
  19. I like it, running good, minus the USAR firefigter and ambo issuses.
  20. Looks great. Question though, are you reworking all vehicles or just some that your team feels need improvement?
  21. How about option 2 but with a twist, if you respond well to the event it follows track 1, closer to the actual outcome, but the more time you take to respond to the incident, the more towards disastrous it goes. Ex. If you were to put a plane crash in the river as a mission, if you are able to respond quickly and get everyone off the plane and out of the water, you have no casualities, you just have to rescue them, but the longer it takes the more casualities and fatalities you have, and if you dont rescue all victims before a certain time the plane would sink, causing more casualities and rescues from the plane.
  22. Bad Part? Really? I for one think he's earned a nice break, and hope he enjoys it.
  23. I like the second version better, and I do like the cycling units idea.
  24. I like it, and agree with Koodas that a back drop of NYC would be nice, however I would think that E7 T1 and B1 would be a better choice of trucks, rather than T6. Now that I really think about it, maybe an American Flag Backdrop would be a better way to go.
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