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Everything posted by bsbllthirteen

  1. yea lol i got that i was just wondering where i could find that vid with the tiller in it that i swore i saw in this topic
  2. idk ill check there thanks thanks lol is it in this topic???
  3. ok i am really losing it lol i couldve swore i saw a video on here with the tiller and ive been looking on this whole forum and cant find it. So am i imagining things or is there a vid???? thanks for all help
  4. yea ummm once you get what you need i have an assignment
  5. ok well when you have everyrhing you need just post on here and i can give you ur first model
  6. we dont need skinners but i thought u said you couldnt model
  7. personal message.......you just click on my name and under my profile pic it will say send message......click that and send me a message but to keep it simple just post it on here
  8. yea so if you learn to model soon then just post here or pm me
  9. Well the name of our mod is determined but not released it is called the {name not yet released}mod you can find it in the emergency 4 mod section and i cant tell you how to model because i dont know how to model myself but if you can learn to model and model decently we would gladly welcome you to the team
  10. Ok chevy_rules2010 and myself really need modlers and i understand many people are working on your own mods but if you can model one or two models that would help alot. Please help us......any volunteers???? If you can either pm me or post on here (I put this post on this site twice because i accidentally posted in the emergency 3 modding and mod help section)
  11. Ok chevy_rules2010 and myself really need modlers and i understand many people are working on your own mods but if you can model one or two models that would help alot. Please help us......any volunteers???? If you can either pm me or post on here
  12. where in new york is that located????
  13. there are plenty of topics on here that explain that
  14. i would say yea but we as well need a modeler and everyone else doesnt really want to combine eams mainly because we r very secretive with our work so secretive we have released the name yet but i will skin for u if u want
  15. i can skin but thats it but i am curently working on a mod so that one comes first but i will skin for you when i am not working on the other mod
  16. if you would like to join a mod team just pm me i will get you in chevy_rules2010 and my mod group we need modelers
  17. hey can you model???? if so would you like to work on the {name not yet released} mod with chevy_rules2010 and myself???
  18. Me and chevy_rules2010 are looking for moddlers for the {name not yet released} mod. So if anyone wants to help out and model jus post here and we will go from there. No request will be tossed we will look at them all
  19. ok great we will ake anything we can get......chev_rules2010 will pm you and thanks
  20. hey me and chevy_rulz2010 are curently working on a mod (namenot yet released) mod and i was wondering if u wanted to do models for us
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