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Everything posted by bsbllthirteen

  1. thanks and i sent u a message ********very close to a final list for the fd******
  2. here is the model for engine 10 any suggestions on how to make them better??? i am cutting the list down alot please vote in the poll so i know how much to cut
  3. Here is a list of the fire department *****note there will be alot less than this no more than 7 engines vote for how many you want***** ENGINES -engine 1 -engine 2 -engine 3 -engine 5 -engine 6 -engine 10 -engine 13 -engine 16 -engine 18 -engine 21 -engine 22 -engine 23 -engine 25 -engine 26 -engine 30 Tillers -tiller 9 -tiller 11 -tiller 15 -tiller 16 -tiller 17 -tiller 385 -tiller 388 Other Ladders -tower 3 -truck 10 Rescues -rescue 1 -rescue 2 Other -hazmat 1 -hazmat 2 -battalion 1-6 -special operations -rehab unit -command unit -brush truck
  4. I dont know if this is the right place to put this but how do you make a banner for a mod???
  5. @NPD i do have some basics of moding i can model but i dont have z-modeler and i dont really enjoy it....i can skin and many people say my skins are great.....as for scripting...not a clue lol and i have a list of units but im still adding and removing some but there will be many units but most will be reskins of the same model and do you want a list?? @random yeai may wait but if there are any resources available at thhe moment i would like to start slow and when the mods complete really start moving forward so if any of u guys have experience you want to share i would be happy to use your skills
  6. Paradise City Mod Team Creator- bsbllthirteen Scripter- Tim Skinner- bsbllthirteen Modeler- bsbllthirteen, bazz, LACityFFengineCo287 Editor- bsbllthirteen Publisher- bsbllthirteen Other helpers- martjuh.denB Release date- dont ask it will be done when its done ********Anyone that can UV map please send me a pm we need help with UV mapping and anyone with zmodeler we need you to put models into game format********* What colors should the fire dept., Police dept., ems ect. be???? Fire... Engine 1(seagrave) Engine 2(seagrave) Engine 10(american la france) Engine 13(seagrave) Engine 19(american la france) Engine 99(american la france) Ladder 1(quint) Ladder 10(tower) Ladder 13(quint) Rescue 1(any ideas) Rescue 2(any ideas) Light Rescue (99Ford f-450) Foam tender 10(any ideas) Foam tender 19(any ideas) B/C 1, 2, 3(Jeep cherokee sport) Special operations 1(ford expedition) EMS... Ambulance 1(ford models) Ambo 2 Ambo 3 Ambo 10 Ambo 13 Ambo 14 Ambo 15 Ems supervisor 3(ford explorer) Heli 56 Police... Crown vic (patrol car) Chevy Impala(patrol car) Dodge charger (highway patrol) Chevy tahoe (supervisor) Ford explorer (traffic) Ford E-250 (criminal transport) TEC- to be made up by you guys Heli SWAT cars (similar to the type of vehicles in la mod) FAN BANNER http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu52/bsbllthirteen/banner.png just add [IMG] code around link^^^^
  7. it depends on how you make it lol but i think a winterberg style would be better i just like the fact that there is one of every unit buthats just me
  8. are you looking to doa winterberg style or a la mod style with the units
  9. yea but i think he wants to make his own models
  10. but its not the NYC private mod anymore he is changing the name and place and it seems like he wants to release it so you should read before you try to correct people
  11. i would like a small city and you can make units from the surrounding cities and towns but only have 1 of each unit kinda like winterberg
  12. i can skin for you but thats it
  13. Oh really......wow thats alot ummm what is the difference????
  14. can i ude google sketchup to make models for a mod in emergency 4/911 first responders??
  15. yea it was my first lol i used sketchup and so you know if you have to do anything special to the doors for when you put them im the game
  16. ok this is my first model ever and i just want to know what everyone thinks\
  17. Ok so when you make a model is there anything special you have to do to the model to make the doors be openable???
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