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Everything posted by Maffegozer

  1. I'm sure I will. But how? That's the thing. Think I'll do that later. Gonna work on the private mod now... Maybe an update for you guys.
  2. Maffegozer

    Translate The Game

    You forgot the English version Nice tutorial. Very good explained and very clear.
  3. Hello, I've found a tutorial quite a while. Think it was posted by someone (the video link) But anyway, it helped me alot. Tho I dont use Sketchup anymore, It can be very useful for the people who do. The video tutorial is in 3 parts. (actually more when you can count ) 1A, 1B, 2 (which contains converting), and the rest I (stupid me) can't find anymore. THink they are deleted. But the most important ones are 1A and B. those are the modelling bit. The others are skinning. So. Part 1 A: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bge5CQFB8Pc[/media] << used is Sketchup Pro. Note: I have tried it with Sketchup 7 (free) and it works there too... Part 1 B: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27t1-DuLw8s[/media] << Sketchup Pro. Part 2: Well can't find that video too. Miserable world... Anyway. It contains how to convert the model. For that view my other tutorial. [color="#4169E1"]Note: I do NOT take any credit for these video's and they ARE NOT made by me. If the author has any problems with this, He/She can contact me and I will remove these video's. But since they are published [/color] Questions? Send me a Private message or mail me on my public email: maffegozer.productions@gmail.com << Public Email. Regards, Maffegozer.
  4. Well not completely Have some problems with the heli!
  5. _EDIT_ It doesn't work... Anybody solution?
  6. Thaankyou! Have the alarm script for the ambulance post ready!
  7. Hello, I've got a problem with a helicopter. I have made a VO for the personnel (where they'll spawn) named: LFL_PERSONEEL Placed a Helicopter on the map. Named the heli: LFL3 Gave a guy the command to alarm the heli... Now the problem: When I alarm the heli. The people spawn from the VO and run to the heli.then they wait for 2 seconds at the heli. just standing there. Then the heli take's off without them! My script: /* **************************************************************************** */ /* Alarmscript */ /* © by David Färber ("emergency-freak") */ /* */ /* Script zur Alarmierung eines FZ */ /* */ /* Erstellt von: emergency-freak */ /* Special THX: lennox */ /* */ /* 09.06.2009: Initialversion */ /* 19.10.2009: Finish, Release und Freigabe */ /* */ /* Script frei für alle mit Readme-Eintrag. Dieser Kommentarblock darf nicht */ /* entfernt werden. Kein Support gewährleistet. */ /* */ /* **************************************************************************** */ int DummyGroup = 20; // Definitionen - Hier muss geändert werden! const char STR_VObjPersonStart[] = "LFL_PERSONEEL"; // Name des VO's, wo die Feuerwehrleute erstellt werden const char STR_ProtoPerson[] = "mod:Prototypes/Persons/08MMT/ambuteam.e4p"; // Prototyp der Person, die erstellt wird const char STR_VehicleName[] = "LFL3"; // Name des zu alarmierenden Fahrzeugs - Muss einmalig sein auf der Karte const char CommandIcon[] = "LFL3"; // Name des zu verwendenen Icons - Wird automatisch aus dem entsprechenden Ordner genommen const char AlarmMessage[] = "A1 LIFELINER 3 NAAR TILBURG"; // Die Nachricht die beim Alarm abgespielt wird const char AlarmSound[] = "pfad_zum_sound"; // Pfad zum Sound der abgespielt wird - muss Mono & WAV sein const int PersonCounter = 3; // Anzahl der zu erstellenden Personen const int VehicleSirenID = 1; // 1 = SoSi Script ist vorhanden soll ausgeführt werden, 0 = SoSi Script soll nicht ausgeführt werden const int GameSoundID = 1; // 1 = Es soll ein Alarmsound abgespielt werden const int VehicleWaitingTime = 15.0; // Zeit, bis das Fahrzeug nach dem Alarm losfährt (Sekunden). In dieser Zeit müssen auch die Personen einstellen. // Ab hier sind keine Änderungen notwendig // Dummycommand object DummyVehicleNotFree : CommandScript { DummyVehicleNotFree() { SetGroupID(DummyGroup); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { return false; } }; // ALARMERING_LFL3 object ALARMERING_LFL3 : CommandScript // Selbstverständlich kann der Script-Name geändert werden { ALARMERING_LFL3() // Muss identisch mit dem Namen oben sein { SetCursor(CommandIcon); SetIcon(CommandIcon); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { if(!Target->GetType() == ACTOR_FLOOR) return false; return true; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { GameObjectList l0 = Game::GetGameObjects(TYPE_VEHICLE); for(int i=0; i<l0.GetNumObjects(); i++) { ActorList PerStartList(STR_VObjPersonStart); if (PerStartList.GetNumActors() == 0) { System::Log("Alarmscript fehlgeschlagen - Kein Virtual Object gefunden!"); return; } GameObject *Obj = l0.GetObject(i); Vehicle v(Obj); if(v.HasName(STR_VehicleName) && !v.HasCommand("DummyVehicleNotFree")) { for(int j=0; j<PersonCounter; j++) { Vector Pos = v.GetPosition(); if(!v.HasCommand("DummyUitgerukt")) { Person p = Game::CreatePerson(STR_ProtoPerson, "OVDB1"); Vector pStartPos(PerStartList.GetActor(0)->GetPosition()); Game::FindFreePosition(&p, pStartPos, 100.f); p.SetPosition(pStartPos); p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Pos); p.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &v); p.PushActionEnterCar(ACTION_APPEND, &v); } } Mission::PlayHint(AlarmMessage); if(GameSoundID == 1) { Audio::PlaySample(AlarmSound); } Vector TargetPos=Game::GetCommandPos(); Game::FindFreePosition(&v, TargetPos, 90); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, VehicleWaitingTime); if(VehicleSirenID == 1) { v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdSiren", &v, 0, false); } Obj->PushActionFlyTo(ACTION_NEWLIST, TargetPos, false, -1.0f); v.AssignCommand("DummyVehicleNotFree"); v.AssignCommand("DummyUitgerukt"); } } } }; object DummyUitgerukt : CommandScript { DummyUitgerukt() { SetGroupID(DummyGroup); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { return false; } }; Can anybody help me with this problem? I will appreciate that very much!
  8. It's a private mod. If i'm right I think it was based on NL mod Alpha 2. Lifeliner4, Correct me if i'm wrong!
  9. Well, Actually I know what the problem is now... Because I fixed the thing of parking space. But now it parks the other way(180 degrees turn so it stands exactly WRONG. So gotta fix that and it's solved) -edit- Yep fixed... Topic lock please.
  10. Hello, Since a few days I have a private mod based on the NL Mod Alpha 2. I've got an alarming script ready and working. But the problem is the parking script. When I've alarmed the units. And send them to the parking. They.. Well Here's a vid of my problem: Video Parkingscript Problem. My parking script: // ParkAtBase-Script (c) a-rescue | its not allowed to remove this line const char IMG[] = "gohome"; int DummyGroup = "90"; object ParkingAlles : CommandScript { ParkingAlles() { SetIcon(IMG); SetCursor(IMG); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_VEHICLE); SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE); SetPossibleCallers(ACTOR_VEHICLE); SetGroupID(DummyGroup); } bool CheckGroupVisibility(GameObject *Caller) { return true; } bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { if (!Caller->IsValid() || Caller->GetType() != ACTOR_VEHICLE) return false; Vehicle v(Caller); if (v.IsValid() && !v.IsDestroyed()) { return true; } return false; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID) { if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()) return false; Vehicle v(Caller); if (v.IsValid() && !v.IsDestroyed()) { return true; } return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Vehicle v(Caller); ActorList al; Actor parkplatz; Vector parkpos; Vector anfahrpos; Vector wendepos; PersonList pl; // car detection, parking place detection and approach and turn settings /////// CAR 1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (v.HasName("NOODHULP_01")) // * car-name { al=Game::GetActors("NOODHULP_PARK_01"); // * parking place name (virtual object) anfahrpos = Vector (0,300,0); // * vector (x,y,z) minus values with minus (-x,-y,-z) wendepos = Vector (0,600,0); // * vector (x,y,z) minus values with minus (-x,-y,-z) } else /////// CAR 2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (v.HasName("NOODHULP_02")) // * car-name { al=Game::GetActors("NOODHULP_PARK_02"); // * parking place name (virtual object) anfahrpos = Vector (0,300,0); // * vector (x,y,z) minus values with minus (-x,-y,-z) wendepos = Vector (0,600,0); // * vector (x,y,z) minus values with minus (-x,-y,-z) } else /////// CAR 3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (v.HasName("NOODHULP_03")) // * car-name { al=Game::GetActors("NOODHULP_PARK_03"); // * parking place name (virtual object) anfahrpos = Vector (0,300,0); // * vector (x,y,z) minus values with minus (-x,-y,-z) wendepos = Vector (0,600,0); // * vector (x,y,z) minus values with minus (-x,-y,-z) } else /////// CAR 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (v.HasName("NOODHULP_04")) // * car-name { al=Game::GetActors("NOODHULP_PARK_04"); // * parking place name (virtual object) anfahrpos = Vector (0,300,0); // * vector (x,y,z) minus values with minus (-x,-y,-z) wendepos = Vector (0,600,0); // * vector (x,y,z) minus values with minus (-x,-y,-z) } else ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { Mission::PlayHint("Can't find the parking place for this car - Coordinates"); return; } // Parkplatzpos.erkennung if(al.GetNumActors() > 0) { parkplatz = *al.GetActor(0); parkpos = parkplatz.GetPosition(); } else { Mission::PlayHint("Can't find the parking place for this car - Virtual object"); return; } // Einparken Game::FindFreePosition(&v, parkpos); v.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, parkpos+anfahrpos); v.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, parkpos+wendepos); v.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, parkpos); } }; No errors come but it just doesn't go to the spot right. VO's are behind the vehicles at the start.
  11. Thanks! Answer 1: They shall be able to get a EM case (in dutch: EHBO-Koffer) out of their truck (Police man will be able to do this too) and take care of the wounded person. But if the person is hurt too much they will not be able to stabilize. Answer 2: Als het lukt wel. Ik ben geen script wonder. dus wie weet. Ik hoop dat dit wel zal lukken ja. (English: If I can manage to do this, Yes. I'm not a script pro so, who knows. maybe. I hope it will work.) Today i'm gonna fix the parkingscript and post a video of it working -edit- Updated first post.
  12. Hello, Yesterday, I started making adjustments to the NL MOD Alpha 2. Just for information: All adjustments will NOT be released this WILL be kept PRIVATE, and i'm only showing the progress and stuff in this topic! What adjustments have I made? Well since im only busy for 1 day on it. I have this: *Parking script (still a few bugs) *Alarm Script (Call units) << works great. gotta set icons tho... These are planned: *Buildings where the people come out running to the vehicles. (Just gotta place a building... Move the Virtual Objects in it and it's done. Already got them running to the vehicles!) *Vehicles from outside the city! *Much new scripts! Progress Media: Alarm Script Working! << Video Alarm script + Parking script fully working! << Video Ambulance Post . Not Finished Yet << Screenshot Police Post . Almost Finished. Gotta get those cars in a garage or something << Screenshot Tell me what you think and if you got some tips. Tell me!
  13. Watching the script right now! -EDIT- Well, The script should work how it is. I don't know why it Doesnt. Sorry.
  14. Soo.... Nobody knows. That sucks. Please guys
  15. Is OBJ_ENGINE017 actually there?
  16. Alexx, Go to youtube and type: Winterberg Mod FMS
  17. 1) You'll need to place the building itself... 2) you'll need to place Virtual Objects. 3) You'll need to script some stuff.. 4) Trial and Error process..
  18. When I went to Liverpool... At the airport. They let a 4 year old kid take off his shirt because they thought he had a bomb around his body. How pathetic is that!
  19. Anyone? Really need the help. -EDIT 3-5-2010 12:50- I've looked at it again. Now i've changed some stuff (added stuff) And hope it will work now... What I did is (in LABattalionChief.script) Added this bit in the beginning: const char VO_AMBULANCE05[] = "fs_ambulance05"; a bit further on I've added a bit so it looks like: GameObjectList l1; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_AMBULANCE01, l1, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l1.GetNumObjects() > 0) { Vehicle v = l1.GetObject(0); if (!v.HasCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED)) { v.AssignCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED); VehicleCalled = true; } else Ambulance02 = true; } else Ambulance02 = true; } if (!VehicleCalled && Ambulance02) { GameObjectList l2; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_AMBULANCE02, l2, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l2.GetNumObjects() > 0) { Vehicle v = l2.GetObject(0); if (!v.HasCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED)) { v.AssignCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED); VehicleCalled = true; } else Ambulance03 = true; } else Ambulance03 = true; } if (!VehicleCalled && Ambulance03) { GameObjectList l3; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_AMBULANCE03, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0) { Vehicle v = l3.GetObject(0); if (!v.HasCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED)) { v.AssignCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED); VehicleCalled = true; } else Ambulance05 = true; } else Ambulance05 = true; } if (!VehicleCalled && Ambulance05) { GameObjectList l5; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_AMBULANCE05, l5, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l5.GetNumObjects() > 0) { Vehicle v = l3.GetObject(0); if (!v.HasCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED)) { v.AssignCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED); VehicleCalled = true; } else Ambulance04 = true; }Else Ambulance04 = true; } While pasting this. I think I did something wrong: At the beginning I see the ambulance02 = true bit. But I deleted that at the next few lines of ambulance03. And it isnt at the one I added either. So Im gonna test this now. If it doesn't work that will be the first thing i will fix. -second edit- well tested it. No errors. But it doesnt work. Noticed something that the personel for a other ambulance i placed gets a good run to go to its vehicle: Watch this vid. So i'm gonna fix those things. Hopefully i can. -third edit- Well. Changed the code above to how it is now.. Stil doesn't work. I don't know how to fix it now! Anyone please help! -fourth edit- Well people. Just found out. That I can call them with a cop. But still not with the batallion chief... Look at this: Link.
  20. And the things is, you'll never succeed in it. It just doesn't stop
  21. same here... It has to few events and to few traffic.
  22. Realism Mod... Now you are making me curious
  23. Hello, I've recently made some changes to LA Mod v2.0.1 + AUS submod. So i've added a Virtual Object (VO) at firestation 1 at a parking spot. same height as that from the other ambulance spots. named it: fs_ambulance05 (actually made more VO's with same name: fs_ambulance06 , 07 etc.) Now i've gotten sofar that i got this: I've changed LAFireStationStart so that it spawns there correctly and that the crew enters the vehicle. But now the problem is. It can't be called by the Batallion Chief. It just buys a other ALS one. It can only be called when you select the vehicle and let it move somewhere. I've figured out that i'd had to change something in: LABatallionChief.script but what? I don't know. So somebody please help me: Vid about my prob: http://www.xfire.com/video/29a579/
  24. Me 2. Bad thing about it on the PC. the aiming feels like it has been made for XBOX and PS3. i like the call of duty aiming more I think it's quite good. Lot of 'humourous' movieclips. It's exciting to play the first time. but the campaign isn't any fun if you've played it. (except of 3 missions: Airborne, Just like the old times, and that mission before Airborne) That's where the multiplayer picks up Multiplayer is harder to play then Call of Duty multiplayer. But I think it's more realistic. Just got to get used to it. Used to Call of Duty aiming stuff and maps. My opinion: Buy it!
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