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Everything posted by Handsup!

  1. Awesome! Really like the idea of freshening up LA Mod with newer units.
  2. Hello! You'll want to start off with a knowledge of gimp and a .dds converter, or photoshop with the .dds plugin. Open up the .dds file (or convert it to .png) and skin how you like; We can't really help on the side of actual skinning, just use basic tools like the paint bucket for now. Save it and then convert it back to .dds! You can use this Emergency 3 skinning tutorial (works the same for EM4 pretty much): http://forum.emergency-planet.com/tutorials/article/20-how-do-i-skin-vehicles/ http://forum.emergency-planet.com/tutorials/article/11-emergency-4-basic-modding-info/ http://forum.emergency-planet.com/tutorials/article/1-emergency-4-adding-vehicles/
  3. My family are more leaning to superbikes!
  4. I have no suggestions (kent is unfamiliar to me) but I love your traffic officer car, taking into consideration that it's gonna be from scratch this'll turn out awesomely, I'm sure. Good luck!
  5. Well, I still think it's an officer's job to protect and serve. You can't risk calling a patrol car and waiting seeing someone being assaulted like that. It's just not right. I'd go and identify, deal with it appropriately and blow the sting
  6. ^This guy knows his stuff.^ But yeah, I'm guessing he means the international aviation language being English, all communicating in the aviation world is English, including ATC, etc, I *think*.
  7. I'm guessing it's confirmed to not be a hoax? I would send the local EOD unit, escorted by two armed units (preferably sedans, such as the Trojan units), and multiple IRVs to cordon off a large radius from the shopping center. Fire wise, I'd dispatch multiple regular engines, a few tankers and chiefs to command the scene. A ladder unit or two if it's a multiple story thing. I'd send the HART team, with their mobile hospital thing, along with a few regular ambulances, and keep air ambulance on standby.
  8. I'll pay you to make me one then! £0.02p
  9. I think you should give some to me...
  10. Bloody hell! How do you even fit all that in your mouth man? #dinnerpictures
  11. Turk_Seso is on here, try throwing him a message! http://forum.emergency-planet.com/user/57464-turk-seso/
  12. Worst I've done is a whole block of cars went up in flames, one after the other, about 25 dead. I just restart the game, ain't nobody got time fo' dat
  13. On a topic of general modding, I totally agree. It's much more enjoyable creating a mod that is done how you want it, rather than to someone's standards.
  14. inb4 argument Services around the world are unique. Respect that. Here in the UK for example, we only use blues, although I see the occasional naughty cop keeping his rear reds on while responding. Aside from that, really can't wait! Loving the liveries on the fire trucks, very unique.
  15. I love how this has turned into a discussion about ducks
  16. Met, are you saying you'd like to eat Fred? Sick b*stard!
  17. How do you domesticate ducks? lol
  18. I woulda' helped if my damn mic hadn't broke! I did some (unused as of yet) voice acting for Welfordshire
  19. Surely they should be Brit themed? Hehe!
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