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The Loot

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Everything posted by The Loot

  1. And here I thought it just wasn't intended to be on the Battalion model, which I copied as an EMS placeholder until you release that one (and the reason for my comment).
  2. Bump for a small update. Battalion 6 got its new Suburban in, along with EMS 6's new rig (though the shop had the usual lightbar and a roof rack on backorder, but Head Mechanic itchboy will have it sorted out sometime soon). LAPD Bomb Squad also switched back to a Tahoe.
  3. Could add some hydrants to the inside of the station, but we'd still have to manually hook them up. There's also probably some changes and additions you could make to the Water Supply script so it would automatically fill the tank of a vehicle after it parks.
  4. So it is. With all the work I did to find out what vehicles were at what stations, I should have remembered. Didn't even figure out which vehicle to use for it. Slacker.
  5. I love this trend of replacement LA vehicles. Since it was in the ME screen, a replacement for the EMS Vic would be nice, if that's accurate to the current fleet. Semi-Related: anyone know what EMS supers are responsible for Battalion 6?
  6. Just an update: tried setting the GroupID to 21, but hiding the commands stops them from being able to be used. I'll just have to be smarter with command assignments.
  7. On hold, technically. Kind of dropped off of playing EM4 for a good bit now; got addicted to Payday 2. There's some new stuff from mdjse1 and itchboy that I never got around to implementing, plus itchboy has some new stuff in the works. There's also the handful of bugs I still never got figured out. A release hasn't really been an important goal from the start; it was mostly to just to showcase some personal work I had done with the LA mod I use, but I'm not adversed to something eventually.
  8. Can't tell with the image I find, but kind of looks like the "bone" one you did for Battalion, but without the red coloring on top. Good looking stuff. I'll have to get those last ones you released into my game soon.
  9. If any streets show up as red, or if at any intersection the center end box doesn't intersect with the center line of the other, there are connection issues and some won't work correctly.
  10. If you keep pressing "retry" on the error popup, it will print a line to the log along with other info.
  11. Probably scripts constantly checking some little detail or another when you have them selected.
  12. What line was the error on? Go ahead and throw your script file in a zip and attach it, also.
  13. Nah, go ahead. It was a quick thing I made because I got tired of the European dispatcher but the Enhanced LA dispatcher was a bit too complicated; I wanted something that would let me know what type of event it was really quick without a lot of unnecessary details.
  14. Hmm, I should look into those. I've always wondered why some vehicles spawned in locations and I couldn't find out why or how to change.
  15. Sounds similar to the one I made a while back.
  16. Hmm. You should be able to add the additional tankers as long as you set them up the same way and give them the same Dummy command. Not sure about the problem with using several engines with the tanker. I've actually never really tested the tanker part of the script as I never put one in my mod. There are some lingering issues with tankers and that might be one of them. Hoppah would have to supply some knowledge on that front, though.
  17. Take a look at my revised version of Hoppah's mod. I tried to streamline the little details, and made a step-by-step guide for setting up every part of it, plus added a way to use the mod without map editing, in multiplayer and missions, and being completely optional.
  18. Have to take a look at what I changed that made it happen and how to fix it.
  19. I wonder if that is behind the issue where some of my persons started walking in missions.
  20. Is that truck actually on fire? I've been wanting to know how people make MVAs with burning vehicles because I've never figured it out.
  21. I've got 4402 lines dedicated to call scripts (797 to BLS Engines alone), and that's not counting even police units. All units on map can be called if available (from standby, patrol, or even returning to station/HQ). All units in-game are able to be called if no map units are available, in order of proximity to the area, being limited to one of each unique unit (Fire/EMS only). I also set up commands for the station panels to dispatch units from there without the need for a person at all. Needless to say, I've always relied on the call scripts and put some effort into expanding and refining them in my mod version.
  22. The unit.xml file is what you want. The "missions value" lines control what missions the vehicle will be available in. Remove all the values if you don't want they to be player-dispatched. <missions value="">
  23. Might be the angle, but it does look like it. And the tow truck looks pretty great, hopefully the car doesn't change to a tarp covered hunk when it gets placed on, and that we might have larger trucks for larger vehicles/debris.
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