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Posts posted by Zach1019

  1. I know some of the best drama's on TV are cop shows, but I'm at my local PD every 2 weeks learning about police work. I talk with a lot of the sops and i realized that most of the shows that are on arean't very realistic.

    I'm not saying they're bad shows, but they leave out a lot of the little things that Police Officers, Medics and Firefighters have to do/deal with while on the job. It's not catch the bad guy at all cost, it's not let's save everybody (Luckily Chicago Fire did that). I know they are good shows to watch, but there is no show or game that truly depicts what really being a cop of Firefighter is like, (With the Exception of the Universal 70s shows, like Emergency, Adam 12, and today's Third Watch, Southland, NYC 22) But I think Chicago Fire is doing a good job at showing the little things that aren't so little on the job.

    BTW my Favorite Emergency Shows are: Southland, NCIS:LA (Surprisingly, that show is more realistic to what NCIS does than the original NCIS show, just a fun fact), NYC 22, Third Watch, Rookie Blue, Adam 12, the New Adam 12 and Emergency

    Yeah that is true. My dad is a retired cop. He has been on patrol, homicide detective, traffic, narcotics, and more.

    Yeah my favorite police tv show is Rookie Blue! That show is AWESOME! :D

  2. There is a tutorial on how to make accidents somewhere in the forums or tutorials page but I can't find it. I saved it on my computer though and credits goes to whoever posted it. I have not personally tried it so not sure if it actually works.

    Thanks bro. I already knew how to make an accident. But I'm not sure how to make a tractor trailer a wrecked vehicle. I think I am going to try puting it in the wrecked vehicles and we what I can do with it.

    Thanks again :D

  3. Chicago Fire is one of the worst T.V. shows I've seen in recent history. It's a woman's drama "depicting" the absolute worst in writing and character exposition. It's over dramatic and very unprofessional. And not over dramatic and unprofessional like trauma. It's just terrible and I wish people would stop talking about it and let it die quietly.

    Hey sorry for what I've said. I didn't mean it that way. Sorry!

  4. This is a public forum,he is allowed his opion as you guys are yours.You don't need to be telling anyone that they don't need to post anywhere as it is his right to do so.

    You love the show,that's good for you,but don't get all defensive if nobody else does.BTW,I watched episode 1 only...which tells you what I think of it.

    I'm sorry for telling someone they can't state their opinion. I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I just don't know why some people don't like the show. I'm sorry for anyone who has been offended. Please forgive me!

  5. Chicago Fire is one of the worst T.V. shows I've seen in recent history. It's a woman's drama "depicting" the absolute worst in writing and character exposition. It's over dramatic and very unprofessional. And not over dramatic and unprofessional like trauma. It's just terrible and I wish people would stop talking about it and let it die quietly.

    Ok you have your own opinion and I have mine. I personally really like it. It's one of the best tv shows there is. How bout you keep your opinions to your self and let the people who like this tv show talk about it. I mean that in the nicest way. :D

    I don't think Chicago Fire will "DIE SLOWLY" I think it will keep playing. :)

  6. No one is suggesting he read through all 26 pages. While squamish may have been a bit hostile, he has a valid point. Simply reading back into the topic would reveal that this is a common issue and was addressed last on page 24. Took me 30 seconds to find it. To be fair I have been following the topic so I am familiar with it, but even for someone not familiar with it, it wouldn't have taken more than 5 minutes. Perhaps in the future people can take 15mins to read back 4-5 pages it will save some time and clutter in the topic. Perhaps Ghost could add a bug list for the current version on the main page.

    I digress, back on topic. The jackets look great. Maybe you could add a hi-vis strip to the back of the collar. That seems to be somewhat common on police jackets I've seen.

    I understand your point and I agree with it. But squish fire doesn't need to tell people that they can't read. All CFDDIVE wanted was some help. He might not of known that this problem has been asked.

    Sorry mods I'll get back to topic!

  7. Wow people can't read. Known issue currently no fix. Learn to read before posting.

    Hey you need to be nice. Maybe they don't want to go through 26 pages of posts and wanted to see if anyone would help. This has been asked before many times but if anyone asks about it I will help them instead of telling them to read.

  8. sorry i can read but im not going 26 pages to look for a little thing i thought i'd ask but since people are going to attack me i won't

    hey bro I will help you and I won't attack!

    So when you need the engine to go back to the station just take the TRT rescue out of the station and then tell the engine to go back when the engine is parked at the station, send the TRT rescue back and should all work but every time you use the engine you'll have to do that whole process again. Hope this helps! :D

  9. hey guys I need some help with something. I am trying to get a boat to spawn on the water and when the game starts it is there and the personel go and get in the vehicle. The boat needs to be recognized on the water and so I can have it spawn in the desired place I want it via VO. I would appreciate any help!


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