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Posts posted by Zach1019

  1. Heres an idea that I did before. Like Zach said, If its EXE, when installing select the path to a private folder. Then take those files and copy and paste them like you would with a 'plain filed' mod. If its '.e4mod' then yes, you need the installer without question. If cant find it in the EM4/911FR folders, go to the windows icon on the bottom left of the screen. Type in a search of 'mod installer'. If nothing comes up for EM4 or 911 FR message gamefly support.

    Thanks Marshall for making that more clear! :D

  2. For a em4 file mod you HAVE to have the mod installer. If you do not have it then you will not be able to run the installer.

    Well I have EM4 and I dont have to mod installer and my mods work FINE! So I don't know but even if I had the mod installer I wouldn't use it because I'm used to the other way I install mods.

  3. I have the Gamefly version of EM 4. It doesnt come with the Mod Installer or an Editor. How can I install this mod?

    well you don't really need it but it is nice to have.

    Ok go in to your game where ever the directory file is and click on EM4 and then make a new folder and name it mods. Then when you download any mod just copy the mod folder (that you just downloaded) and paste it into the MODS folder in your directory. Hope that helps!

    *****The mods folder should be in the same place as the DATA folder*****

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