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Michael Brick

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Everything posted by Michael Brick

  1. ok im still having issues with my game. Where did you download or buy your game at??
  2. Guys I now have an Issue. My original computer to a dump so I got a newer model. I have downloaded the LA Mod on the computer but I cant get it to accept the mod or the new Free play map. Can anyone offer some help??
  3. Completely lost when it comes to modding but have some ideas that I'll just let simmer.

  4. Brothers and Sisters I have been out of the gaming of EM4 and mods for awhile. I was curious if this mod has been released yet and what missions one would face??
  5. ok Thanx guys as for the skills I dont have them. Im wanting to change the free play alittle with earning the stations and calls and change the units to my city. Is this idea even possible???
  6. I need some Help?? I would like to make a mod or have a mod made for the City I'm Living in. how do I do it or is there anyone willing to help me???
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