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Ghost Graphic Designs

European Modding
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Posts posted by Ghost Graphic Designs

  1. Awesome I really can't wait for this mod :D what part of Portugal is this based on?

    This is based in the general portuguese units. The police units are based in Lisbon's units! :)

    I chose to do the mod this way so that nobody is "ignored", every volunteer fire department has it's own paint scheme and units, and it would be really hard to do a mod with all of the units. :)

  2. Sorry is this has been asked, but 21 pages is a lot to search through, why are the municipal police and CTAU units not available ingame? They were the unit i looked forward to playing with the most!

    I think that information was available in the ReadMe file but I'm going to say again: It will be available on the second version such as the MedEvac helicopter! :)

  3. The EMS ambulances do not have a return to station command, is this intentional? :huh:

    @Fred03 nope its also happening to me


    I removed the commands porpusely! The EMS ambulances aren't suposed to park the station when there are units already assigned for the Fire Department [Fire & Rescue]... :)

  4. Love the units so far btw on the Facebook page when you post a status can you please an English translation I don't speak Portuguese lol

    LOL, sorry for that... ;)

    In today's first post: Good morning! New photos added!

    The next one: Just a sneak-peek of the new police officers and riot-police units! SWAT [GOE] units will be added soon...

    I keep forgetting that lots of the people who liked our page aren't from Portugal :blush:


    Added GOE units pictures


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