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Everything posted by danny96

  1. and have more scripts. if I have version 2.2, it helps me a lot
  2. just that I also had a first version 2.5. But then I discovered this video from version 2.2
  3. In 2.2 is a lot of great cars and in 2.5 are only a few cars from em4 LA mod 1.8... And I question Hoppah and he says that I have download 2.5...
  4. thank you. but question: have somebody the La mod 2.2 for Emergency 3?
  5. I asked many times but still don't have it. Please have It somebody in archive of modifications? all download links in description of this video: are down and I want It desperately. Please answer and send It me to mail or send functional link. Thank you!
  6. I reskin the . It's fictive car. If you want I can get it to game and post download link... but need help with door. Can't find civilcar_1 silver door and therefore is instead this door the civilcar_5 door lol
  7. Because I can't find the danny's reskin topic, I create new one. I have reskinned Rihis's SUV to LAPD Version and I fix the rihis's bug with the inverted lightbar...
  8. my 90's CHP cars don't have the lightbars :/ but good video!
  9. thanks but this idea maybe will not be doned. Because it's too hard work and Hoppah don't want to do this
  10. what it means a sentence: - MP5, M4a1 and PSG-1 fire through objects. ?
  11. texture. I unlock the texture and it says File can't be opened. [pic] - this picture is very funny
  12. Why is LAPD SUV unmarked? I try to edit the SWAT SUV and after unlock it says "File can't be opened". Any help?
  13. Therefore is RTS mod working only in campaign I mean that is this useless but it's more clear and it speed the calling units
  14. Pls delete topic in submod folder
  15. Hoppah, can you do the the script that sort the emergency cars in-game?
  16. can't download. It says that this file is temperatily unavailible! And one question too - This can be added to 2.0!
  17. but there is one next bug - SWAT SUV doors open wrong!!!
  18. yes but the single what it do is that is deploy. But what can do if is deployed?
  19. a question: why have ATF Command Truck the deploy command? This command do nothing. Is only for decoration or what?
  20. I like the LAPD Van from Emergency 3 LA mod 2.1. I do a reskin of the Emergency 4 LA mod 1.9.3 BLS ambulance New LAX Engine doned but there is a big bug (check image) Police van is completed and have new lightbar
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