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Everything posted by danny96

  1. edit LAPoliceBarricade.script
  2. it's very good but the supervisor would be better. Detective is very good too and I like the new sirens. Very good work but I don't know if can detective call SWAT...
  3. yes but if you want taser in game you must add script for the shocking
  4. have the police supervisor new skin or it's only prototype and look same as the normal officer? I like your good work! Looking forward for release . But the unmarked CV's will be deleted and overwrited with dodge chargers or not?
  5. Yes but that are LA reskins... Not Ny lol
  6. danny96

    LA mod 1.8

    If he will have the la mod 1,8 I will have the 2,5! or it will be unfair!
  7. Škoda že to jsou jen reskiny. Teď už ti chybí jen povolení od Hoppaha. A hra začne! It's a pity that are only reskins. Now you only need the permission from Hoppah. And game will start!
  8. this was meant ironically? And I don't have Hoppah's missions in the game. Only missions 11-30...
  9. I know only two types of stingers: -a rocketlauncher -killer grenade. I don't know no spikestrips with name "stingers" and the first picture what you post is from the website veda-technika.blogspot.com -that is czech website
  10. Hoppah you forget this picture but go on tema: the police supervisor can be in LAPD SUV or LAPD CV Slick-top
  11. no. There are two versions: 0,1b and 1.0
  12. add police supervisor can use these commands: -call LAPD Dodge Charger -call LAPD SUV -call SWAT -call FBI -call bomb squad -can orders the police officers
  13. vehicles, persons... just whole mod
  14. anyone want to do this mod? It would be cool if yes!
  15. OK... but I can ask If it have somebody
  16. OK... at least you could write that you do not have it! But As I look... There is only two good people of the 4000?
  17. very please!!! I need IT! There is 4000 users! Someone of that 4000 users must have it! PLEASE
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