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Everything posted by BGM17

  1. I will consider it closer to the time, there's a lot of different things id have to get permission for...
  2. How can you help? And yes the map is pretty basic atm, thanks for your kind words guys!
  3. Here's a few ingames of SORT and some random police cars http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2wn94d3&s=8#.U54rwPldWSo http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2dqqe80&s=8#.U54spfldWSo plus another small map preview of polloksheilds http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14sgsg6&s=8#.U54uavldWSo
  4. I took the base of an older German mod, then edited it, ALOT. I do, ambulance currently have RRVs, the SORT team, and three variant standard ambulances The police just have several standard cars and vans
  5. Cheers guys, any ideas suggestions for things to add? I've added pretty much everything I can think of relating to frontline vehicles
  6. Cheers guys, trying to think of units I haven't added. Quick map preview which is very much WIP http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=34t26ab&s=8#.U5zlr_ldWSo http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2jb9tp1&s=8#.U5zokvldWSo Another small snapshot from tonight with a 19 pump fire in Govan's industrial park http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=16jk1z4&s=8#.U5zqKPldWSo
  7. Welcome to The Scottish Fire & Rescue modification topic. This is a private mod I've worked on for around a year that focuses on my home town of Glasgow. I'm trying to keep it realistic as possible using only real units and scripts such as "limited water" plus "search house script". It features five real life Scottish Fire and Rescue stations; Cowcaddens, Maryhill, Springburn, Govan and Calton all of which have been faithfully reacreated and are already complete and in game If anyone wants to help out drop me a pm and i'm sure I could accommodate you as there is still alot i'd like to do but don't have time. again this mod is PRIVATE I'd consider getting permission to release when and if I'm ever satisfied with it. Comments/Suggestions/Criticism welcome http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=nxsufb&s=8#.U5x1OfldWSo Turn Out from Cowcaddens http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2usv5s4&s=8#.U5x2KfldWSo Current standard appliances including ARP http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2hs50s9&s=8#.U5x2cvldWSo Current special appliances
  8. Hmmm, definetly something that someone should look into. I'd do it, but I know next to nothing about scripting. Unless you guys want to wait the few years it'd take for me to get good at it
  9. Hmm, I was using the same files in the same location, so I don't know how that would work , any other ideas?
  10. Does anyone know how to fix this? Basically when using Welfordshires change clothes script in my own mod, I select the person to change clothes using the command, they begin the animation but then disappear completely when complete.
  11. Bingo, as of the end of this year they'll be gone. But it's a fictional mod so no reason you couldn't keep it
  12. Hey. Basically it seems I can't run any mods freeplay anymore bar my own private mod. I haven't attempted to play any other mod for a while and when I loaded them up tonight they all CTD after loading the freeplay map. logfile attached. cheers guys edit, fixed it. logfile.txt
  13. Hang on? What I was talking to the guy criticizing the mod telling him to grow up rather than criticise .. how is that not clear?
  14. You have to click on the cab everytime and it'll work
  15. Hey @e34p Any idea's as to why the change clothes script isn't working in the mod? The fire-fighters just disappear when I change them into any outfit
  16. Everything works great until I try and dress the firefighters, they seem to just disapear when i do
  17. Hey guys, basically what i'm trying to do is add the ladder of a crane and and parts of a Ladder truck on to the top of a normal fire engine, I'm not looking for any functionality, just purley for aesthetics but just adding the stuff makes it crash, anybody help?
  18. Merry christmas mate, and aye, that was the bit that had worked for me, It was like the folk lying about it, I was going for realism to try and make it so not everyone is unconscious so I animated folk to be sitting ect
  19. Hey guys, I've created a few car crashes on the map and marked the persons correctly (ie ccarp_1_a) and so on, but when I load free play the injured people appear on the map, any ideas?
  20. Do you need a microphone to join or can you do without?
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