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Posts posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Okie doke ladies and gentlemen.
    So some of you all know that I have my own private mod. Usually I just play single player, and that works fine. Then today me and one of my close friend were trying to play and this happened:

    . I have tried the following:
    • Removed all UI folders and recompiled the necessary UI files
    • Replaced all necessary freeplaybase_mp and freeplayparameter files with working copies
    • Loaded from Challenge mode (Which was never modified)
    • Reinstalled the mod
    • Reinstalled the game
    • Checked log file for anything obvious

      That is all I can remember doing. I've had the issue for such a long time, since like 2010, but I've never really cared until now, and I am at a complete loss.

      Here is the log file: All 10,000 lines of it
  2. In....An effort to bring this onto topic... I'd like more in-depth calls, things that could require follow-up. Put police detectives in game and give 'em a purpose to investigate. Have a fire marshal look for the cause of a fire. Have paramedics need to take different precautions for different risks of patients. Things like that.

    They have something similar in the deluxe edition where you have to search the body and after a few murders you would then have to track down a murderer. I would love to see more of this. I would also love to see more engineering uses, and some classic Emergency: Fighters for Life things, such as some of the original missions, or even, dare I say it, original soundtrack.

  3. To be honest, it would take a whole new approach to get me really interested in a new version. I'm looking for more than handling calls. From a map perspective, I would like most buildings to be interactive. That means stairs, different levels. Enterable balconies, roofs, windows operable doors, etc. I would like different and more realistic fire mechanics with smoke. The firefighting aspect should involve more than just squirting water. Things like ventilation should come into play. If the fire is in a third floor apartment, you should have to force entry, ventilate, search, etc while also locating and extinguishing the fire. Engines should need to hook up to hydrants. Towers should need to have an engine supplying them if they are going to flow water. There should be hoselines. Weather should be a factor. Wind should be a factor. Time of day should be a factor. Buildings should collapse if they burn for long times. They should at least deteriorate under normal fire conditions.

    Oh hey what's this game?

    The game is not a firefighting simulator. Something that people fail to take into account is that this game is a real time strategy game. Hear that everyone? Strategy. Not simulator. You have to account for all the other factions in the game, you can't make one too complex without making the others too complex. The game is already a mess to micro manage and mods such as Winterberg, which automate the process, are a lot of times too slow and complex for their own good. Ventilation could be a moderately reasonable mechanic added, but such things like supply lines are not really suitable for the Emergency atmosphere. Never have, never will.

    I think though that the police division could use some work. Breaching buildings instead of ordering people in would be a lot better mechanic and could offer some realism at no cost to the strategy layer of the game.

    I hate you... BTW. Manhattan Mod maps are the biggest they can be and maybe you would realize that if you got your head out of your a** and stopped leaking people's stuff.

    Wow dude, grow up. It doesn't matter what he did; settle it privately and don't air your dirty laundry for everyone to see.

  4. http://www.emergency...aseItem&id=1080

    This is insane. Why, why, would anyone ruin the Emergency 4 engine and use it for this, monstrosity. Diarrhea simulator...Ugh.

    It's... a joke....

    ...welches sind als kritischer Seitenhieb in Richtung der zahlreichen, sinnfreien Simulatoren verstehen lässt.

    Translated means "... All this really is is a joke aimed at all of the stupid simulators available on the market."

    The plane crash one looked good though.

  5. is there anyone who has this or maybe upload it to the site?

    just saw this would love this to learn to contribute to the modding community on em4 but have no idea where to download as have poured through the downloads section but not seen or found this generator yet can you post a new link please

    Ask and you shall receive: https://dl.dropbox.c...4SG_english.rar

    Note though, this doesn't make incredibly advanced scripts, and you still have to code your missions in via XLM

  6. Voodoo, I really respect your opinion and it was well thought out and well written. Though I really have to disagree. The amount of violence would never really subside because while guns are a part of American culture, so is violence. It is not incredibly hard to obtain weapons illegally. In public at a military memorabilia event I was offered a pair of powerful handguns without serial numbers for $50. American street gangs which are a problem in any area with low income housing and low educational opportunities already obtain cases of illegal firearms and other weapons.

    As for me I own a shotgun that I do not take out for any reason unless it's for target practice or if someone is breaking into my house. And that's what most legal gun owners do with their guns there are only a select few who go in and shoot up buildings. What's important though and what I believe is lacking are the requirements for owning and purchasing guns which are a bit lax but I don't believe that decreasing magazine size or other functionality of weapons or banning them entirely is the right answer.

    I figured the subject would come up and that's my 2 cents.

    As for the shooting this is incredibly tragic. I actually spent this morning going over a school shooting drill in my medical class. My condolences to all involved I can't imagine the loss of any life especially a child. May they rest in peace.

    EDIT: Also my point on the fact that anyone hellbent on causing violence can kill a large number of people without a gun: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2012/12/14/china-knife-attack-school.html

  7. Chicago Fire is one of the worst T.V. shows I've seen in recent history. It's a woman's drama "depicting" the absolute worst in writing and character exposition. It's over dramatic and very unprofessional. And not over dramatic and unprofessional like trauma. It's just terrible and I wish people would stop talking about it and let it die quietly.

  8. LMAO airsoft newbs XD

    I have been playing for years. Also Umarex is not the best lol (I mean unless you want super cheapness)

    Could anyone recommend a nice, cheap, CO2 or electric rifle?



    I can't vouch for the lancer but a good cheap gun is in the neighborhood of 100-150 USD

    I am a support gunner, I have an Echo-1 AK47 modified to be an LMG. Our team has won regional team championship in 2010. I was also demolitions member during a full scale operation in February. I have a P226 by cybergun (With laser optics) and multiple Thunder B's. I'm working on getting some systema parts for my AK at the moment.

    For tac gear I have alot. See this video:

    Also have a 3 hole balaclava.

    Here's some super fun pictures






    If you want airsoft advice lemmie know I'll be more than happy to help you out

  9. Sorry if I bring this topic to light, I always wondered WHY they abandoned the project, I remember of some map problems that made the creators leave the project, now my question is: why don't you solve the map problem as the Wegberg mod did? In the Wuppertal Mod Tech Demo the game crashes when map changes, can't you just adopt the same solution as the Wegberg mod?

    Description contains the answer.

    If you can't speak German basically what is going on is that they stopped because not only the mission changing script was broken so was the program emergency 4 itself, thus the changing script couldn't be implemented.

  10. Well that's your issue.

    Anime is pretty difficult to draw first off. Second off, you can't just "Learn" it out of thin air. You'll have to really get into it and work hard if you want to produce something of pretty high quality.

    If you're hellbent on spending a lot of time and money on drawing I'd suggest reading the following books...

    How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way

    Drawing the Head and Figure by Jack Hamm

    Drawing Animals by Jack Hamm


    Dynamic Anatomy by Burne Hogarth

    also another side not "How to Draw" books are knowledge wise worth about jack shit. Some are good (Like the one above) but don't get suckered into buying them as a "quick fix"

    You know my email, so mail me if you have issues and stuff.

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