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Everything posted by bama1234

  1. No problem, what app do you use, and is it free?
  2. Well guys, it depends on how you look at it. Re-skinning can be a cakewalk sometimes while at others it can be as hard as building a nuclear power generator. But give the LA mod team some credit, they have worked ten times harder than me.
  3. roughly an hour for just a reskin, overall on the Fire truck I think I have spent over 5 hours, for the lightbars and final skins etc. The police were the hardest, Ive spent countless hours on those.
  4. How can you UV map something so that it creates a DDS file? or texture file that is convertable to DDS? I.E. How do you do this in Zmodeler after you have changed a model?? Thank you in advance, please do not respond unless you have a definite answer.
  5. no, i have not tried a custom station, but I know it requires scripting. Lightbars are easy, I just dont know how to UV map.
  6. I am not trying to start anything at all. And once again, I respect Hoppah's work and will not release this without his permission. Reskins are NOT easy in the sense that they take TONS of time and experience. I do that, lights, a tiny bit of modelling, and a tiny bit of scripting. If Stan feels that this topic is just a pest, then he can close it if he wishes, if that is what he wants.
  7. Exactly. But reskins arent as easy as you think, and besides that, I have done more than reskins. Lights, changing models, user interface, etc.
  8. I agree. A little harsh there, pyro. But we must respect Hoppahs decisions. It would be nice if this were allowed as an official submod, like a one-time thing. My reskin mod is currently the only New York sort of thing available right now, and it is very high quality.
  9. EDIT IT!!!!!! MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THE SAME PAINT JOB FROM THE FIRST FILE YOU EDITED!!! IF YOU MAKE THE FIRST FILE LOOK LIKE A MIAMI DADE SCHEME, MAKE THE SECOND FILE LOOK THAT WAY TOO!!! Thats what I mean by EDIT IT! You change it too look like the first one! If i made the first file look like fdny, then i open the second file and make IT look like fdny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean is it really that hard to figure out? [sigh] Sorry. It is just so simple.
  10. 1. Check the [...Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.8\Models\Vehicles\02 LA Fire Department\...] directory. Look for files that have a "2" on them, such as "fire_engine1_2.dds" This is what controls the front/back textures. "usar_squad_2.dds"
  11. Very nice pictures, Itaboy. Thank you! I especially like the nypd pickup truck. Here is my final fire truck. (new lightbars, lights flash faster; added new lights) Please comment
  12. Is there any way to put the Winterberg mod into a english version? It seems fun but I cant read anything.
  13. Very nice work, Hoppah! BTW, is there any time range in which you plan this to be released? Not trying to bug you or anything
  14. Hey dude, it's just a matter of respect. He spent countless hours of work on this, and to just join the forums and immediatly point the finger and yell that anyone can do anything to his porperty is downright disrespectful.
  15. The NYPD chopper is being done right now, and should be completed soon.
  16. 1. RENAME [do this in the directory without the editor] "water_tender_2.dds" to "water_tender_2.v3o". 2. Go into the editor, and "unpack" the file you just renamed to [v3o]. 3. Exit the editor, go to the directory and name the file back to "water_tender_2.dds". 4. Convert to JPEG using DDS Converter 2 or whatever. 5. EDIT. 6. When done editing, convert back to [dds] format. 7. Copy/move and replace the old file with the new. I have to explain this alot, just please do some research on the site before asking all these questions. I dont know how many times I have posted this SAME "tutorial".
  17. You must unlock it first. Do the same thing you did for the other files.
  18. First of all, use Fraps. Please. http://www.fraps.com/download.php It is much more clear pictures. Second, There is a file called "water_tender_2.dds". This contains the front and back textures of the truck.
  19. 1. When I import .3DS models from 3ds Max and then import them to Zmodeler, no 3d models show up but zmodeler says it is there. 2. How do I map textures/UV map in zmodeler??
  20. 1. When I import .3DS models from 3ds Max and then import them to Zmodeler, no 3d models show up but zmodeler says it is there. 2. How do I map textures/UV map in zmodeler??
  21. I havent worked anything "out" with Hoppah except the fact that I am allowed to post pictures and videos.
  22. Okay, this is starting to get a little out of hand. FDNY Res1cue, please respect Hoppah's hard work. He deserves credit and respect. Next, I don't want my topic turning into a fighting match, so let's keep it cool. And third, this one is for Hoppah: I am willing to start modelling and making my own contributions to this mod. I have also learned a tiny bit of scripting. But is there any way you could let me know what you would require for permission to release this, i.e. specifically what would I have to do/contribute? [how many models, scripting, etc...] Sorry for all the disturbances and the curse words. I dont welcome that here, so either cut it out or take it somewhere else.
  23. That's what my NYC sub-modification is for. TYou should check it out sometime I still do not have permission to release it yet but I am hoping to get it someday.
  24. Very nice work on the ambulance But you must realise that you cannot release any of this without Hoppah's permission.
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