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Everything posted by bama1234

  1. Alright, I think I got it. Thanks guys
  2. I'm sure this question has been asked before, but how can I manuevure light polygons in the lights editor? they are so difficult, they don't line up on an axis, i.e. if you use a view from the top to move them left, you move the camera and theyve moved left but now their way down. Hope i explained it right...
  3. anyone wanna play? message me [bama1234] -Bama1234 NYCSubMod
  4. yes, it should be under the "civil" cars
  5. looks good 8.5/10 (the yellow truck is still bothering me...)
  6. I am making a new model that is for NY and Miami Dade. Just thought I'd show this to Jab and see what you think, [is this accurate, because I know nothing about Miami]. Let me know and please rate, I am new to modelling.
  7. When I create a new wheel protoype in the vehicleparts_wheels section of the editor (In my own mod, not the LA mod) after I close the editor out and restart it is gone! Every TIME!!!! [and yes i have a v30 file and it is placed in the right folder]
  8. Ok when I create a new prototype for the wheel in the editor and choose the file and all that the file dissapears after I come back to the editor, every time. Whats the deal? This is making me mad, it shouldn't just delete it
  9. thats ok, good idea. Right now though I am working on other things than the crane, but that is a good idea for the future.
  10. Here's the model, I put a Miami Dade skin on it for looks. It will be in my NYC Mod as a regular engine.
  11. Thats nice, jab. I'd repaint the truck though, give MDFD markings or something. BTW ive been working on a model that the MDFD uses, I'll let you see it soon when its done. Gonna put it in the NY mod, hopefully.
  12. If it is the same model which is mapped the same, then yes.
  13. The 3ds Max is only 912MB I believe, or at least the trial is. I'll be sure to check the website for updates.
  14. 1. I use 3DS Max, because Zmodeler is difficult to me beleive it or not, the only thing I use Zmodeler for is Scaling the model and UV Mapping. 2. Buildings are easier, vehicles are not that hard once you get the hang of it, the worst part is UV Mapping. 3. You can go to www.turbosquid.com, they have some low-poly and high-poly models. (but they're not free) I meant how is EMCUnits mod going, but sure, okay. Lol
  15. Very nice Jab, when do you think you might take up 3d- modelling? @ EmC-Unit How's the Miami Mod going?
  16. Thatd be pretty cool, jsut might require some more work. well see
  17. Hold on, did you just grant him permission to make the reskin a submod? Or am I just reading this wrong?
  18. Yes, I am. This does NOT mean I am quitting the NYC mod, by the way. Just doing another project on the side.
  19. @RescueMe Thanks, Its tiring work. @Russuj If I were to release this as my own mod then yes, but for now I am still basing it off Hoppahs mod.
  20. Cool Do they use trucks like this in Miami anymore? (This is my model, currently UV Mapping it)
  21. Just asking, whats the point of this besides realism? And how exactly would the "investigate"?
  22. I did this in 3DS Max [the trial of which I have 15 days left ] which is fairly easy to master. Getting it to work in Zmodeler is the thing. No, the mod is not set in Alabama, it is set in South Carolina. I wont say anything else though
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