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Posts posted by RangerDog

  1. @The Loot, Sure the series is in Germany more pupolar.


    But there if someone is reskinning a mod everyone is like nice, here its more like "Ugh, ANOTHER reskin".


    That the more english modding is dying out is more because the reactions, tons of fights etc which are on this forum.


    Like this year, How many fights over mod where there? Around 10..

    On Dutch/German forums etc = 0..

  2. Soo, What you are asking is someone to make youre mod? Ehh mod, Im sorry to make a new game.......


    Not gonna happen, Point no discussing that.


    Go ahead, Skin some youreself, Try to make some basic script, Try to make some basic models, Go deeper into it. Become a great modder. Try to get other people to help you and you MIGHT come a bit close to youre goal, But as youre descriving as above, not gonna happen.


    @Newfounddking, We dont work per line, We work per hour ;P 

    And if you hire a proffesional progammer we probably can make it shorter, We live by DRY :D


    (Dry = Don't repeat youreself) :P


    I will say this, good luck on this project but it is not possible
    and the name speaks of the German rescue units



    And why wouldnt it be possible? It is because people think outside the box, the game keeps intresting.

    For example, LA Mod has some thigns which were tought imposible..

    Like Wegberg mod, Is a game itself only usees em4 as a engine etc.

    Good luck buddy, Dont listen to people who say it is imposible, It is posible but you have a hard long way to go.

  4. Alrighty, 


    Asked around a bit.


    Short answer: No, It is not posible for Emergency 4 with the acces of files we have right now.


    Long Answer: Technally seen it is posible, (Ex: Sleeping dogs, Just cause etc multiplayer was even added.), But they had acces to the core, which we dont have. And Emergency 4 is a old game, and it could be posible if you find out a wayy to get to the core, But for now it is not posible for Emergency 4. :/


    But, Never say never. For examples these things also were deemed imposible:



    There are multiple projects pretty close to it right now.

    It mayby will become later on, In a few years. But i wouldnt count on it.

  5. Mkai, You should be able to run it then.


    Okay, Do you have any mods installed, If yes. Which ones?


    When does it crash?


    When you start up the game, Load missions/campaign, after a certain amount of time etc.


    And what kind of crash is it, Do you see the desktop or does it freezes?

    And does it also crash if you load it without mods?

  6. Well, 


    I wouldn't say that quick it isnt posible, But the skill you need to fo it is pretty high, even a normal game developer is it to hard for (Asked it at oure school). But anyway, Well i could always ask if something like that is posible at school. But im afraid it is not posible with the skill we have currently available, Expect if all the modders would work together.


    Source: Myself, Im a developer. ;)

  7. hmm, Mayby you shouldn't make it as a character, but as something different. Like ladders can move, you can make it something like that, but then instead of the ladder model a person model. And than after it reaches a certain point the person spawns on the roof?

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