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Status Updates posted by njboy13

  1. "I accidentally leaned against the fire door. By accidentally I mean that I blatantly opened it to see if the alarm really works. It does."

  2. Well 2011, it's been real. I've had some great experiences, went to cool places, and met some of my new favorite people (Of course including Cassie, the best girlfriend I could ever ask for). It's been a great year, but let's see what 2012 will bring us. Goodbye 2011, it's been real, it's been fun, just hasn't been real fun! Haha. Hello 2012. Happy new year everybody!

  3. To fly today or not to fly today. This nausea seems to disagree with the thought of flying today lol

    1. puppysboy222


      It's always a time to fly

  4. Merry Christmas to all, and to all shut the hell up.

  5. I seriously need a vacation somewhere soon. Somewhere other than up to New Hampshire. San Diego would be nice...

  6. First solo flight: Done!

    1. cops


      really :O

      that's fucking awesome!

    2. griffy


      wait you mean the kind you get suspended for at school then yea done like, hmm like 7 times if i remember correctly almost got expelled :)

  7. I'd tell you to go to hell, but I work there and wouldn't want to see you all day everyday.

  8. Karma's a bitch. HAHA didn't know karma would come back for the win this fast.

  9. Working EMS right now. Somebody on the county EMS channel just had a (probably intentional) open mic with the beginning of crazy train playing. The minute we heard it, everybody in the room started humming the crazy train intro. Fun times haha

  10. First snowfall of the season, and I'm already tired of it. This is going to be a very long Fall/Winter....

  11. I hate it wen you don't realize your milk is spoiled until you've already drank some of it...

    1. njboy13
    2. TacticalRooster22


      you havent replied to my PM yet!

    3. EmC-Unit


      Yeach - do it! or he'll replay first

  12. I think I've got some form of depression. I don't know what kind, but I just have a feeling I do. Crazy part is that it is just for one single reason too, and it's not even like it's something sad or depressing, just hard to think about.

  13. To people that feel the need to yell something during a moment of silence. I don't care if it's a hockey game or whatever, but please excuse me if I feel the need to punch you in the face. Show some respect.

  14. -Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    1. erfd


      one of the best lines in a movie ever.

  15. "... and then there's the vegetarian hot pocket for those of us that don't want to eat meat, but still would like diarrhea

  16. Due to "lack of room", NYC Police Officers, PA (Port of Authority,NY-NJ) PD Police Officers and FDNY Firefighters are not invited to the 10th anniversary of 9/11 at Ground Zero--they weren't invited on that day in 2001 either; they just showed up. Please re-post if you think they belong more than the Politicians who are invited!!

  17. I just felt that earthquake in New Jersey!

  18. You may bury me with an enemy in Mount Cavalry, you can stack me on a pyre and soak me down with whiskey, Roast me to a blackened crisp and throw me in a pile, I could really give a shit - I'm going out in style!

  19. Nice. I like this update. Looks good

  20. Happy Birthday USA!

    1. 911firstresponder


      it's my birthday today XD

    2. aitor


      happy birthay ;)

  21. I just bought all 11 remixes of Stereo Love on itunes, in addition to the original version I already have. No, it's not a waste of money.

  22. Finishing up a blog post about a flight to Solberg from earlier this week, and also another post about a cool little airport I found in NH.

  23. Had a nice flight today from KMMU (Morristown) to N51 (Solberg). A bit cloudy, thunderstorms in the area as well, but a pretty smooth flight

  24. Boston Bruins!!! 2011 Stanley Cup Champs!!!!

    1. chrisblaalid



      Weeee are the champions!!

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