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Posts posted by theocd

  1. Turning out tends to be less complex of an issue then who has to deal with the paperwork in the end. More often then not, mutual aid agreements, and cross-jurisdictional responses are well thought out before hand and agreements are in place with the agencies. Especially when an incident requires a specialized team such as divers, Air Support, or SWAT. The major stickler then becomes who has to deal with the pile of paperwork for the incident, especially if it's an injury accident with city property damage. In an area where two or more agencies share a border, you will often find Police officers with measuring tape arguing over who's jurisdiction an accident occurred and who has to deal with the investigation. Areas like West Hollywood that share a border with LASD and LAPD, or in Orange County where CHP, Westminster PD, Orange County Sheriff, and Garden Grove PD all have different sections of Beach Blvd (Highway 39), it can be quite trying at times to listen to the officers squabble about inches on the other guys side of the line all to get out of having to deal with the report.

    See, in Britain, the police run their own air support, armed response etc. So there are no other agenices involved. Talking of armed response. There are armed police at the back of my house looking for a guy with a axe, but that's off topic.

    The OC-D

    (who won't be sleeping tonight because I live in England, so don't own a gun!!!)

  2. I have never been online because I don't seem to find any servers but i totally agree with PVFD. everyone is a noob at some time or another. I am yet to become a noob as I haven't played online yet. treat noobs with tolerence but if repeated issues come up kick 'em.

    The OC-D

  3. Did you download the patch_13_uk.zip?

    When I choose the "Unzipp here" option a folder called Patch 3 and a read me file appear. Everything works perfectly. So I think you are doing something wrong.

    By the way: if no files appear how can you know that the patch contains an EM3 file?

    I downloaded the patch that is specified by Stan in the download centre as UK Patch 1.3. When I click Extract all (which unzips the file) it says where do you want to put it. I say in the EM3 folder. Now, I get a readme which has some instructions on it and a folder. in the folder are the forementioned files.

    I am sure it contains an EM3 file because it appears to contain a copy of the game.

    The OC-D

  4. 1. 1 BLS and 1 ALS Fire Truck, more if I need. Ladder stays as back up in case of worst.

    2. USAR truck, ALS Ambulance, One or more patrol cars depending on the scene.

    3. 1 BLS or ALS Fire Truck if it looks Medium. If it is tiny I send a Patrol Car and use Fire Extinguishers.

    4. 1 Patrol Car, it's all you need.

    The OC-D

  5. I downloaded the EM3 patch, I can tell because it has an EM3 file in it.

    I unzipped it into the Emergency 3 folder an I have the following files.

    Data (Folder)

    Mods (Folder - empty)

    Em3 (Game File)

    Mod Installer (WYSIWYG)

    em3.cfg (15KB .cfg file)???

    vbase71.dll (vbase)???

    vision71.dll (vision engine)

    That is all.

    The OC-D

  6. EDIT: Spoke too soon. It says in your readme

    1:Now open the file folder called TNTfix and run the TNT-FIX.reg file, if you are asked to confirm the action click yes. Your computers registry will now be cleared (don't worry that's a good thing).

    2: Now open the folder called SETUP and run the SETUP.exe file. NOTE: if this file won't run try running SETUP2.exe. This will install the German patch. So if you downloaded the German patch you're done after this has been installed. If you downloaded the UK version: don't worry this is supposed to happen

    Neither of those folders exist in what i downloaded at all, anywhere. Where are they???

  7. Thanks for the title change.

    I couldn't find anything useful that i could use in the FAQ bit but it might just be me.

    i have the UK version so i need patch 1.3 but where to i put it for it to work???

    Finally when I unzip the file I double click on it and then do what?

    Many thanks,

    The OC-D

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