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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Goodbye is the Saddest Word I Hear

  2. What Do You Say For Taking Chances

    1. Newfoundking


      "Well at least johnny wasn't a chicken.. Though he should've played the game with something other than a train"

  3. Its way to early to be at this place

  4. SINGLE OR NOT POST THIS AS YOUR STATUS AND SEE WHAT COLORS PEOPLE INBOX YOU. (its a secret). Black: I want a relationship with you... White:Im trying to smash... Green:Im falling for you... Purple:I miss you... Orange:I really like you... Pink: I love you... Red: I miss how we were... Yellow: Kiss me... Blue:Your cute... Brown: I want another chance

  5. What I have on my mind might her someone's feelings

  6. Law and Order SVU Was Super Good Tonight!

  7. I Need a Parachute........Cause I am falling for you

  8. Feelings Grow Stronger Every Day

  9. If Its Not One Thing, Its The Next

  10. When I actually have someone that I like and have a finger holding on, I always mess up and let it slip and it driffs away. **Sigh** :-/

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