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Everything posted by pyrothijs

  1. Thursday I managed to make the doors, can't show you a pic cause I hid al the polygons to be better able to construct the rear. Friday I spent my whole day at the station because I was on duty. Saturday we had stormwatch (we were busy the whole day emptying basements, cutting down trees, etc.) And today I thought I catch some of the sleep I missed, so no major progress yet. btw please don't keep asking me about the progress all the time, thought I made it very clear I had to redo the entire tutorial 'cause I lost touch with moddeling a bit... So it's basicly a trial and error proces I'm going through now (again). greetz,
  2. you can use the fire chief (sits in his vehicle on the parking lot after you've raised the first alarm), or the controll panel in front of the fire station (the one you use to open and close the doors etc.)
  3. Is the exe file the original exe file or just a shortcut on your desktop. If it's a shortcut try to make another shortcut form the original exe file.
  4. Don't know that but 911 FR was published a few years after EM4 so it could be that you need newer graphic drivers to play.
  5. Took quite some getting used to the program again. So I had to start over a couple of times (made some very stupid beginners mistakes), but di managed to get some work done today. How do you like it so far (and yes I know there is a glitch in front)?
  6. I'm willing to try, I did the tutorial some time ago and forgot most of it, but since it's holliday I thought I'd learn it again. Don't expect any results on the short term though. I'm also remoddeling my house and Í've almost one shift a week at the station because of the vacation. greetz,
  7. ERROR: dynlight.vsf Version or higher required! This usually means you have to update your videodrivers or uninstall any codec packs or mobile phone software on your pc. greetz,
  8. try searching for dooclusion, (that's the value you need to change) I don't know in what file it is, but I'm sure you can find the right post if you search for dooclusion. greetz,
  9. You can use the rescue helicopter to retrieve him or you can send a pair of paramedics with a stretcher in the boat and tell them to pick up the victim. The boat itself can't pcik up the victim because it's on land. greetz,
  10. Could you make the crew of the fire engines wear their SCBA gear when you alarm the engine (or maybe two of the four persons) because I thnik it takes to long to put it on when I need to enter a burning builiding. I'm not sure how realistic this is, but here in the Netherlands we normally put our gear on in the the vehicle, since that's not possible in EM4 it might be better to have the fire fighters enter the vehicle with SCBA gear in stead of changing into it at the scene. greetz,
  11. You can attach them in Z-modeler to the model and then reskin the model including the lightbar or you can add the lightbar as a child to the vehicle in the editor.
  12. First off all great improvements! Since you are working on the second station I would like to make a suggestion concerning the first station (I know wrong topic). Would it be able to line up the two fire engines behind each other so that an extra spot would be open for a equipment vehicle. It would be very usefull as a vehicle to send to accidents, suicides, dive calls etc. while the pumpers still remain available for fighting fires. It's just a suggestion, since I saw you were working on it, thought you could think about it while you were working on it. greetz,
  13. You nee dto click the button and then you need to click a place on the map where the divers need to go to. If you did that a square should appear on the ground where you just clicked.
  14. If you mean making the map bigger I'm not sure if it's possible because the maps have a maximum size and I believe the freeplay map is the maximum size already. If you mean you want to change the freeplay map so that some areas that are now water will be land, you can edit that in photoshop. greetz,
  15. Can't find any glitches there. so I'm fresh out off ideas, sorry!
  16. For your DXDIAG file: start --> run --> type DXDIAG --> press enter. Save the result and upload it just like with the logfile. The new logfile still contains the same errors so there is something else wrong. Think it might be in your system.
  17. I never saw so many erros in a logfile together. You sure that you're game is installed right? Your pc can't seem to find any of the scripts. You may also want to remove all codec software (for mobile phones etc.) and make sure you have the latest graphci drivers installed because of the dynlight error you're having. Can you upload your DXDIAG file?
  18. pyrothijs

    swat 4

    I'd really love too, but my internet isn't working. When it's fixed I'll contact you.
  19. use the little squares on the two side lines
  20. play the game, wait till it goes back to the desktop and then upload the logfile from the Em4 folder
  21. please don't write in caps, looks like you're yelling to someone. You can alarm the divers with the "taucheinsatz" button, I believe there is a snorkel or something displayed on it.
  22. You need to drive the decontamination truck away from the poisend barrels, else they'll infect the victim again when it comes out.
  23. Could you post a logfile from right after a crash?
  24. Think I found a bug with the "attach/detach all hoses to truck button". It works fine when you only use the button to connect and disconnect the hoses to the truck. But when you use the button to connect the hoses to the truck and you manually disconnect them, the fire truck won't move and you can't give it any commands. Happend to me two times in freeplay now so I think it has something to do with the script. I also noticed the game speed is a lot higher then in version 1.5. I like that the game speed is set a little faster but I think it is set way fast now (I feel like I don't have time to navigate between incidents because the other incident will grow bigger with the second). Is there anyway to just slow the game speed down a little? The rest works splendid!!! Great job! I expecially like the new police vehicles you added. greetz,
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