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Posts posted by camhesse1

  1. I plan to do a private mod of my own local area, but the UK sucks for vehicles, not worth modelling, especially when theres civil versions available easily, if I do start another project after this and all of its ventures it will once again be with Rafael and will be another US city, possibly Chicago or San Fransisco, but that's to be discussed between me and raf when the time comes.

    .... i would LOVE a san francisco OR a san diego mod... lol... (san francisco sounds awesome)... if you do chicago yours will be way better than the one that is being worked on atm...
  2. what

    hey guys i've been thinking and i thought of some ideas that i think might be kinda cool for the mod probably the next version though if you want anyway i was thinking what if in freeplay every so often(not like every 20 minutes but just randomly only once twice ect.) you get a call for a surge drill for the nypd obviously but you have to place a bunch of units all around block traffic and pedestrians and have the cars go through the map just like in real life heres a vid of what i mean

    my second idea is a mission were you can do a firefighters funeral and you have two ladders up holding a flag and firefighters in there black suits with the white gloves lined up along the side walk and the nypd is blocking traffic and stuff and there are bag pipes playing a song like amazing grace and there are firefighters putting the casket into an ambulance and the casket has a reef on it and the firefighters helmet is on it and(you have to set this up your self or not doesn't matter) once the firefighter is in the ambo the ambulance starts to move and so do the ff's and the nypd officers and the ones with the bagpipes and pedestrians follow and the funeral goes to the grave yard and the ff gets buried

    those are my ideas you don't have to do this i don't know if this stuff is even possible in this game well the surge drill i can see but not the funeral witch is my favorite but you guys obviously don't have to do this it's just a suggestion;)

    what is a surge drill anyways? it looks cool ..... btw i counted 49 police cars in the "parade" not counting the one blocking ped. traffic
  3. Hmm, the most sucking mod i ever have seen maybe you guys should try to make your own stuff, instead of stealing the rights from Rockstar Games and their models and textures from Grand Theft Auto IV. And copy all the stuff New York Modification made. Is there even any kind of stuff you guys self made? And now i'm not talking about converting stuff from Grand Theft Auto or taking scripts from LA Mod. I'm talking about a script from bottom to top? Or a model.


  4. I'd say Ground Zero is situated too high (there is a strange jump from wall street to 42nd (I know it can't be below where it is because the map size) and the Ground Zero occupies too much space, where could be some other parts of the city but anyway look really good, about the minimap desing I waited for something so :D In any case I hope in next version you can do bigger map ;)

    what do you mean that ground zero occupies too much space.... ground zero is WAY bigger than that... they are trying to keep it realistic on the map.

  5. from what ive tried of this mod, its the best mod ive ever played, most realistic and the greatest experience ive ever had of new york. rafael and dyson have created an amazing historical mod for these forums, and everyone needs to join in the fun when it comes out, dyson and rafael and his team have come up with many new advances and many new realistic pieces that come together to make a great game.

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