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Posts posted by camhesse1

  1. I think is really complex work for a beginner modder (no offense), too many scripts and too many vehicles to do. But good luck with it anyways.

    thanx for the luck... im not going to be a person that can get a mod done in 2 years like hoppah can... this is just going to be a side job, so i can work on it when i can... If i work hard enough this is going to be a 4 year job...

  2. As of right now... im thinking of having 4 fire stations... i know that is a lot... a 7 bay and 3 bay on one side and a 5 bay and 3 bay on the other side... The hospital will have 4 ambulances, a medic transport and hazmat in a garage there. The police station will have 30 bays(i know) that will have all the vehicles you need for the game... 15 patrol cars in the front, having most likely 5 sheriff, 5 state police, and 5 county police cars. in the back of the police station will be things such as unmarks, fbi, swat, control center, pt(prisoner transport) and motor cycles(might actually be in front), and two pickups, with a boat trailer. Also i'm going to try and make the police officers take the prisoners in the building, and only come out if they are called via a operator or chief or something to patrol or arrest someone.. im going to try and add a escort mission into freeplay so you will use more of your police cars. Any questions just ask me here.

  3. So, I installed the NY Mod and played it most of the day yesterday and then I installed the LA Mod. Both mods were in the 'Mods' folder for Emergency 4, but when I went in game and clicked on modifications, only LA Mod was there. How do I get it so more than one mod is in the modifications menu in game?

    they should automatically both be in there, but if not, redownload ny mod or try using the mod installer to reinstall ny mod into the game...

  4. I hope this happens. I also hope the sirens have different actions. For example, one siren could make ALL traffic and pedestrians move out the way, and another could make them stop and not move. Another could make the vehicles pull over to the side of the road (or divert). Another could be heard from a while away, thus vehicles and people would take action (ie move out the way) before the vehicle is even close to them. What do you guys think about my idea?

    no offense but that is WAY too much scripting... there is a reason no mod has that function... too advanced...

  5. Unuseful collection of sirens

    better to use sounds search site,it has many times more sirens

    wheres that at? give me a link. ive been searching for free sirens through google for like almost 30-40 mins and i cant find any

  6. I use photshop, but there also are paint or gimp. I started with photoshop so for me it is easier than gimp, and I've never used paint, I can't install in my computer so I can't say if is easier to use than the other programs.

    thanx, is any of them free?

    thanx everybody for ur posts for skinning...

    thanx everybody for ur posts for skinning...

  7. may I do a sugestion about the new scripts poll?

    I love to see

    Captains/Chief: Cancel Units Enroute

    Captains/Chief: Call Any Unit

    Put on Medical Gloves (give much more realisme!)

    Get Medical Bag

    Put on Hazmat Gear

    Put on Traffic Vest

    Get traffic cone

    Connect hose from truck to truck

    Connect hose from Hydrant to truck

    Put on SCBA gear

    and of course Scripts that add realism

    well I love to see Put on Medical Gloves and Captains/Chief: Cancel Units Enroute

    OK, really? you dont have to write down all the ones you want to see... thats why there is a poll. You are supposed to vote in the POLL not reply all the ones you want to see, VOTEing is for VOTEing. Thankyou very much...

    OK, really? you dont have to write down all the ones you want to see... thats why there is a poll. You are supposed to vote in the POLL not reply all the ones you want to see, VOTEing is for VOTEing. Thankyou very much...

    Don't take offense to what i just said, i'm just saying things that are on people's minds when they look at your comment. He looks at the votes not at the comments of it... so sorry if i came acrossed mean there

  8. Actually, you did not explain anything. Also, I criticize to help you, since most mods who only has images of the cars and no skills dies. Therefore, I asked in a polite behaviour if you had any skills beyond learning from the editor.

    Now, excuse me if you thought my reply offensive, it were not meant that way.

    Ok sorry i came through that way, the "toy cars" are most likely my vehicles in the mod. sorry for not explaining too well. lol.

  9. What is your mod based on besides images of your toy cars?

    ummm first of all its not based on "toy cars" second of all those "toy cars" are actually collectibles. Third those "toy cars" are what most likely what I'm going to model after for my ambos, thankyou very much. Try reading my explanations for once...

  10. I can do some pretty damn good lighting if I do say so myself. ;) If you want to see some work, send me something to light up for you or I could just send you something of mine. PM me if you'd want me to have me on the team or just for any general assistance with lights.

    When you are done with the Small Town american Mod, can you help me with my mod? You are great with the lighting

    Most people won't offer blind help, you do best to at least give them an idea of what you want them to do for you before you can expect novice or experts to even consider doing it... Most people are strapped for time and will pick projects by level of difficulty in which the project is, most my projects I clear relatively fast, so I don't mind em, if it's extremely extensive I pass on them for sheer sake of saving myself the time and pain of trying to meet a deadline.

    What can you do? Can you Script?

    Hello Zewak45 can i be a skinner i am good in american vehicles

    greetz 911firstresponder

    Do you think you could help me with my mom? Are you looking for a job? lol

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