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Posts posted by camhesse1

  1. I on the other hand, am ok with the sirens... thats not the part that i really fully care about... i really like how you got the engine to really back into the station... i have seen any stations that worked with just the front door, and backing up into it.... it just goes in straight lol. i want to figure out how to do that script? can you help me maybe?

  2. Thank you for creating an account, not talking english in an english forum/topic and ignoring the forum rules with your first and only post.

    The modification is not available for download yet...

    thats what i thought rettung, and your working on here now? and also the meriden submod?

  3. well im just looking for volunteer to help me with this modlike alot of people do like testers and skinners and mappers like the NYsubmod

    i will be a tester.... and if you need help with a firestation or police station i could help...

  4. ok... a couple things? how do you get your google sketchup models into editor, cause i need to do that, 2, after you get done with this mod, is it possible for you to help me with a couple things in my mod, im working on modeling now... ive got 2 fs done and a police station. 3, in my mod i have 3 stations, station 1 is downtown and has 8 bays, (ambulance, batt, 2 eng., ladder, rescue, foam(maybe brush unit instead), and a tanker) station 2 is in residential has 6 bays(ambulance, batt, smaller rescue truck, 1 engine, 1 tanker, and a tiller), then my 3rd station is a mutual aid station it has 4 bays and it is in the middle of nowhere(a lot of forest) (engine, tanker{needed badly}, usfs engine, and either a brush truck, small rescue, or another usfs) in my mod you will need a lot of firetrucks because it is volunteer and by the time you get people there(especially in a fast spreading forest fire) you will need a lot of firepower. there will be like a forest and rural area, that will need tankers

  5. Do you think you could add a script where fire fighters could direct traffic, because its not always easy to diverge two police units to a huge accident with other things going on, so you could use a couple ff's already there to stop traffic? Also what did you use to model your fire station? zmodelor, google sketcup?

  6. ok... so ive started work on models and things... even have the first fire station done in sketchup. if anyone has the paid version of sketchup, i am wondering if you can help me get the files into editor... i am also looking for people who are able to script, skin, or work on the map. so if you want to help, you will find out that in this mod... it will have many new ideas that anybody will love. i am also going to borrow scripts from somebody, so this mod is wip

  7. See I don't mind people asking for release dates (personally not saying against the TOS) but when a mod is no more than a few weeks old and has only really laid its foundations why ask? You wouldn't ask a painter what time he will finish as he begins his preliminary sketch... :mellow:

    i like that metaphor...

  8. I'm wondering the same thing? I really think this mod has potential.

    people have lives lol... i dont think he would give up on his mod... this is to amazing to give up... so just hold down the fort, hold down the hatches, and just hold your horses... we can get through this slow time

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