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Posts posted by rafaelmfernandez

  1. I dont mean to make this like facebook but I found some pictures of me in new york city a while back I thought I would share them :)

    like 2003

    In front of 8 Hook Ladder 8 If you look in the back thats where the WTC would have been :/



    Times Square :D


    ESB! Now I have the honor of modelling it :)



    Lower Manhattan, The WTC shouldve been there too


  2. Wow, that's really looks NY, nice job :12:

    How about doing some of this parkings?



    What the hell..... Is that lmao i think ive seen that before but i dont get how it works! Oh i need to get my car lol too bad you will have to wait so we will see about this extraterestrial parking machine ufo mechanism

    If you need ideas, just ask, I have many :P

  3. Jep, You should be an architect! Pictures are great, now i see floor of new map,hehe. Park in the middle...

    Every day you show us something new and this proof thet you work hard every day on this project. Congratulations

    This will be funtastic...

    Oops i should have blurred that! Haha but right now me and dyson are sort of arguing/brainstorming on editing the map to fit more the ny style

  4. thanks everyone for your feedback, As of now I have added 5 new buildings since the videos.

    A generic Tower designed and built by Rafael Fernandez Corp, hahaha I should be an architect!




    And some mid/downtown commercial/residential buildings. Im running out of Ideas so Ill get started on landmarks soon





    Tell me what you guys think? My computer is a mess from all these files because Ive abandoned some buildings in mid progress because I didnt like them so im trying to sort everything out.

  5. How do you install?

    EDIT: Figured out how to install and tried it out. It's an okay mod, but I noticed several bugs. First, the Rescue would not come out of the station. Second, the ambo from the same station would not empty. I didn't use any other units, so I can't say for the others.

    We know all these will be fixed in v3

  6. How do you install?

    EDIT: Figured out how to install and tried it out. It's an okay mod, but I noticed several bugs. First, the Rescue would not come out of the station. Second, the ambo from the same station would not empty. I didn't use any other units, so I can't say for the others.

    Theres a video on youtube can check

  7. Chinatown buildings are finally done!



    Ive begun work on some generic buildings here are 2 of them



    Heres the next one ;)


    On another note I was playing the freeplay map when a small fire broke out. I responded with a Ladder 2 engines and a Battalion chief. Now the Fire spread quickly and almost engulfed a whole quarter of the city and I thought I lost it! I responded with 3 MERVs 28 Engines 9 Ladders 4 BATT chiefs 10 Ambulances and alot more I controlled the fire but there were over 34 casualties because of exploding cars haha you can only imagine. I feel like that wouldve been a 10 alarm fire. Reminded me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YENvqXEBjEM

  8. If you don't mind a suggestion, and I know it would mean alot of scripting, but what if you make the siren change by clicking a different switch instead of it automatically changing.

    Thats what a manual siren is. But there will also be an automatic siren like how it is now but many people would like to control the sirens and for nypd we are working on the new rumbler !

  9. Does this mean that there will be manual siren script here?

    I love it :)

    Most likely

    The sirens are still a work in progress and will most likely change but dont expect to much change because after all we are in New york City

    Does this mean that there will be manual siren script here?

    I love it :)

    Most likely yes ;)

  10. I forgot to mention that the new sirens contribute much to the atmosphere in New York, also are the best sirens/horns I've ever heard. tada.gif

    Dyson and rafaelmfernandez and other guys, part of New York Submod team rules!!! smiley-dance009.gif ahahaha banana dance :D

    Haha yeah I did the ones in the new video myself for testing but I found a scripter who has already scripted the manual siren script with different options such as :

    Wail Yelp and Airhorn I also echo the sounds so it sounds like its in the streets

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