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Posts posted by rafaelmfernandez

  1. This mod has been existing for almost a year. What do you expect two pages in the thread? Yes i love the attention of em4 fans! They are what keep me going I post pics to get feedback and when people tell me the work is looking great its like adrenaline for me and keeps me working. If I never got feedback i would not be able to work on the Wtc and Ny submod. There are developers that keep everything hidden from there supporters and there are developers like us that give out supporters something to wait for.

  2. Hey guys rafael here,

    Just arrived home this is good news and bad news. The good news is ill have some time to

    Work on the mod before school starts. The bad news is.... School is starting soon. I go to a boarding school so the mod will be hard to work on and will probably slow down alot. I will still work on it everyday if possible for as long as I can. Anyways all is good and im back so viva WTC mod! And new york submod!

  3. In my oppinion, the map is amazing. It feels like a real section of New York. Now, granted there aren't a lot of NYC models in it yet, but the layout is superb. I'm sure everyone will love the new map.

    Cant wait for us to finish!

    In my oppinion, the map is amazing. It feels like a real section of New York. Now, granted there aren't a lot of NYC models in it yet, but the layout is superb. I'm sure everyone will love the new map.

    Cant wait for us to finish!

    In my oppinion, the map is amazing. It feels like a real section of New York. Now, granted there aren't a lot of NYC models in it yet, but the layout is superb. I'm sure everyone will love the new map.

    Cant wait for us to finish!

  4. i really love the show its cool that they follow my own what i do for a living and they picked the FDNY i find that a little surprising. and its really cool that im good friends with the lieutenant :laugh:

    Im pretty sure the lieutenant is a fictional character

  5. While im gone If you guys enjoy the fdny yall should check these out.

    Rescue me TV series

    Brotherhood documentary

    I use these to research the fdny life ;)

    I go to a military school my self and the first 2 months they treated us like shit and basically treated us as the probies. The military and fdny Use the same ranking system so thats an advantage for me when researching. Just wish my school was as exciting as the fdny. Im a first lieutenant at my school.

  6. Have you seen their other videos? They're amazing, OC spray, climbing ladders, hydrant to engine connections, repelling down cliffs, lifting up cars with jacks, ect.

    Theyre scripts are/were impressive im not sure. But they still look like they need some work. But please dont bring up the awesomeness of the nyc mod in this topic. We take that mod as a point we would like to reach in 3.0.0 or later and so far were almost there (the scripts are the tricky part)

  7. An .exe installer may be made, but for most a manual installer will be the weapon of choice. It's just far more reliable and with a tutorial is insanely easy to do :)

    Hope this helped


    An .exe installer may be made, but for most a manual installer will be the weapon of choice. It's just far more reliable and with a tutorial is insanely easy to do :)

    Hope this helped


    Dyson your gonna have to stop double posting or im going to permanately ban you !! Haha i kid.

    Ive been in the works ln the works with a new exe installer that will manually install everything in the right places and will give you some previews to look at while you wait ;) who said i didnt know how to make a program! Haha

  8. Arma is a great game although i deleted it.

    Operation flashpoint is a great game although i deleted it.

    From what I know cities xl is not moddable and i had it. Its great.

    Just cause 2 is a great game with not much community support and it is moddable.

    The sims 3 is great and moddable.

    Garrys mod is a really fun sandbox editor and needs to have some good support and is epicly moddable.

    I hope that when me and dysons team comes out with the WTC/NY submod v3.0.0 many people will come back and new people will come to this forum :)

  9. Nope the map is still under work, I'd say it's about 55% done. Plenty of new stuff for eye candy though, I hope you'll all spend the first few times of playiing, just checking out the map :D

    Thats what I do every time I open up the new freeplay map dyson haha. Anyway heres some more I candy I managed to model a new building (5 World Trade Center) even though I am on vacation.




  10. Great dyson is back ill be back the 7th :)

    I found this video really interesting and rare because it shows the FDNY responding to the World Trade Center Pre 9-11. The WTC was a busy place and it kept the emergency services busy themselves. At 126 Engine 10 and 6 pull up via the liberty street enterance followed by a battalion chief and engine 4 with a unknown truck in the back I couldnt see.

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