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Posts posted by Luisinho

  1. btw cars explode to fast in car crashes

    That's good, it adds realism.

    Is this the building that your adding in the patch Hoppah?

    Just wanna make sure cause those fires are in midair and I was like "umm ok"...

    That's because you don't have a DELUXE version, but don't worry. Hoppah is going to release a release a fix for the cinema later today.

  2. Aha, I'll check them out. :)

    Are they larger mods, like LAmod and Winterberg? Or something along the lines of DDR-mod?

    The Netherlands Mod still in beta. So it only contains a few vehicles and personnel at the moment. But it still a great mod, it's worth trying it out!

    I don't know about Hamburg, but I do know it contains a new map, and lots of new units.

  3. I recommend finding someone who can model and script, or atleast have an understanding of it, first, then this person will be able to tell you how many people you need for your mod, as you have your 'estimations' (word used loosely) wrong. I'm not trying to be rude, but without first finding this person who has the skills and understanding to lead the mod, you are just writing a thread, deciding a mod name, and posting photos off the internet, and the mod will never materialise, most 6+ year olds can do that these days.

    Topic: Places for mods

    I strongly agree with you.

  4. What's your computer specs? Does it match with the game requirements?

    I assume that this happened when you loaded LA mod?

    If that is the case, then you just have to wait as the LA mod is a big mod that does take quite some time to load.

    Be patient and wait, as the game is working even though you might get the "not responding" message :)

    He isn't using LA Mod, you can tell by looking at his logfile.

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