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Posts posted by soulbody

  1. Dear hoppah,

    For the Realism mod i''m busy to make a lot a Back-Up commands.

    I want to make to audio samples to contain other texts. I know to audio's are spoken¹ by some persons.

    Could you place tell me who did make those audio's so i can contact them.

    Besides i founded what maded my bugs in the US Army Submod.

    Those bugs were caused by editing this code:

    const char HINT_PATROLCARBOUGHT[] 		= "Patrol car bought for $1000 and dispatched!";

    I tried to find those Hints in the texts files by couldn't find it.

    Will you please tell me where those hints are wroten down.



    (¹ -> ingesproken)

  2. Just be patient, give it about 2 days for them to write back. In this case even i you got a keygen i dont think it would be useful as the program may be in Russian only, [EDITED BY MODERATOR]

    well, only a part of the setup is in russian, after selecting the language it's just english. i could i already use the program by the trail, it just for a few days i believe one month but atleast i can try it now...

  3. steps to do are here

    .Rar/.Zip File

    1. download winrar if you dont have it already

    2. open the package

    3. go to windows explorer and get to the path ''program files/emergency 4/mods/los angeles mod v2.0

    4. overwrite all data by copy-ing all data in this path, make sure that you don't put the folder los angeles mod v2.0 in the los angeles mod v2.0, you have to overwrite the folder then.

    5. have fun!!!

    .Exe File

    1. mostly they still packed in a .rar or .zip file, so download winrar if you dont have it already.

    2. open the .rar or .zip file and copy the .exe file to any location you want, notice some submod require that the package is moved into the los angeles mod v2.0 folder

    3. run the .exe file (by left-mouse double click) and follow the instructions, this is required you read everything carefully otherwise it might won't work.

    4. have fun.

    if you still have problems, please contact me.

  4. Keygens are something that creates a serial code that will work with the game, and is mostly used in pirating.. Hunter's instructions should be followed in this case..

    well just did that this morning, they promised reaction (automatic message) within one work-day but got still no reaction. i will see what happends tomorrow...

    for now, thanks for both of you for your reactions

  5. I got the CD from 3D Studio Max 9. There is only one problem.

    The CD or DVD is bought in Russia 2009 when is was there for a student exchange program.

    Everything on the cover is in russian and i dont understand a f*ck off it.



    if the CD is entered and the autorun started, i can select install, keygen & ''some rare russian letter:P"

    - i hit keygen, cause i need one i need to enter a request code. but i don't know where it is. cause it is russian

  6. I don't think that's an easter egg. Hoppah just used the FBI skin and didn't bother making another one.

    indeed they just dont be changed that might but, when you have the accident is the middle east side of the map just a street above the mean street one FBI Suv is there either and one victim is a FBI Agent... so it is a easter egg i think...

  7. When you sign a contract, you must follow it. If not, you can get sued by the contractor for disrespecting an official contract, which can either force you to do it, or if you find a hole in the contract, you might be able to get yourself out of it. The TOS here is the same, when you register, you need to tick a checkbox called "I AGREE", which engages you to follow the rules in any circumstances, meaning we have the right to warn, ban or do whatever we feel the need when somebody doesn't respect this "contract".

    i know that but must people just tick it to get access to the forum and don't read it (like me but i know all rules are mostly standard)

    BTW, most people just tick it and some of them read it later and the other people go on the story above (from me)

  8. i dont think you can say ''that is no excuse''. you know site like microsoft coporation and stuff got a hole army of webdesigner which very much designer are busy with ''user-friendlineless'' (gebruikvriendelijkheid).

    simple because almost 95% of internet user are too ''idiot'' to simple use there eyes and everything need to be done with one mouse click in there eye. the simple don't get with the time and know how website's works.

    so yes you can argument is there fault but most time the just that there are to stupid to know the internet...

  9. Prices get higher and higher for each additional unit on the map that is there.

    You sure? i thought this was a bug because i had this also but when i restarted the game on loaded the savegame the prices where normal

  10. Soul, do you want me to test it? And report the bugs, if any, to you?

    It not ready, if have to study for my exams for two weeks now (till 29 May, 2010) so i will take a bit longer but after that i can work on it very hard.

    When everything is finished the bug search can start. If it can be start all testers will be PM'ed with a link for the Alpha/Beta Version of the submod.

    Notice that it will by the harderned kind to search for. So i hope for a good bet on this so everything can be bug free before i get the permission.

    The new system of my pc is also in work know (no details available) but i can work a lot faster now on the submod now.

    So i think when my exams are ended i might take a week or three but i can't promise anything. who knows what bugs i will meet.

    I already get problems with the ''Call Tow Truck'' command so i hope this can be fixed, i want to add a extra feature to the command.

  11. i want to let something happend at a part on a path.

    we people who not usually use the editor:

    you can make paths and ''streets'' to let vehicles drive, each point you assign get a number.

    i want to make a script where something happend when a vehicles get over that number.

    for i the person who can tell me how to make this (i only need the part like if vehicle reach point 1 of path 3.

    place take those vaulue for example

    Path = dummy

    Point = 53

  12. im working on it for the realism mod and the script is al most finished just a few bugs need to be fixed. (those cause for crashes)

    at this moment you can assign 10 equipment commands and 19/20 default commands, dummy commands are as far as i know unlimited. so that is not a problem

  13. There is a way! Park a police car so it is fending off with it's nose pointing into the lane you want OPEN so its body is blocking the lane you want CLOSED. Put the directional lights on and, if the police car is at a steep enough angle, only the lane you want closed will be re-directed. Unless it is a bug and only works for me, that's how I close one lane.

    The OC-D

    i think this is not want the topic starter wanted to hear. i think he wanted to know how to shut down one lane and the vehicles goes from the blocked lane to the other lane. not just redicting and get back to there home or search for a alternative route to there destination

    like this:


  14. is they prototype actually still in the direction where it should be. check this, the message said the file is missing (i think) so check this...

    mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fire_engine17.e4p

  15. 1) Hints why I quoted your part about lack of downloads. Simply saying a descriptive thread title may or may not change that. Just a suggestion.

    2) Sure, give me a few days to get the final touches on my mod and you can check it out. The script changes arent anything to big, mainly parking alterations, but I have worked with php for years so jumping to C++ isnt a dramatic difference. Some but not huge. I cant promise you I can pull some crazy script out of the kazzo but might be able to help. Prolly more so in bug fixing department then trying to script from scratch but who knows.

    i will wait for it then, from what you told me i think you are a good scripter so i think i won't be disappointed...

  16. Perhaps a better topic name would help. Instead of:


    or something like that to know what the submod contains because the current title tells them nothing. Besides, I dont know if any one here know who I Mark production is anyway, so why not just drop that from the title?

    Anyways, Im not sure how much my scripting skill can be of service, but I am willing to put differences aside to try to better EM4.

    i think the titel suggestion has nothing to matter with the search for crew.

    for your offer of scripter... is there any script in a mod or something to see how much you can help me with the submod...

  17. Today 4 may 2010, a man dress like a jewish orthodox started to scream while the 2 minutes silence were busy to remind the veterans who died in world war 2.

    While in remind of queens day 2009 people got scared and ran away. 30 people became injured.

    It can be possible that i could be again a attack on the dutch royal family.

    2 man are arrested which one of them the man dressed like a jewish orthodox. the other man throwed away a case while or after the man was screaming. the jewish guy was also talking strange language partly because of this people got even more scared.

    what are you're opinions about this incident while the dutch people and dutch royal family where are reminding the veterans who died for our freedom in world war 2?

    vid of what happend, skip to 1:25 to see from when the screaming started:

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