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Everything posted by fireboss-tulsa

  1. any luck with this? where about tho ? Thanks for help both
  2. does anyone know how to install/use this ? as im not sure were im to put stuff? even tho thought it was the english one i downloaded
  3. yeah but there models can be down loaded from a different site, so wont be hard to take this and make a london city mod
  4. would be good if when i click run to install that something would happen instead i sat thee for 20mins just doing nothing!
  5. so i have been playing around with this mod for abit now, not really done alot of work just found things ie scripts and just added them in, just finished off the fire stations from the "fachzug22" Mod so thanks to them for the buildings, so heres what i got on my map, did have the go to station script working until i tried to upload a different map and some how messed it all up so need someone who is good a scripting to give us a hand if they dont mind :L
  6. need help with finding were to change the vehicle, or if someone got the read me file const char IMG_ICON[] = "tec"; const char IMG_CURSOR[] = "send"; const char COMMANDABLE_TRUE[] = "DUMMYSetCommandableTrue"; const char COMMANDABLE_FALSE[] = "DUMMYSetCommandableFalse"; const char FREEFORALERT_TRUE[] = "DUMMYFPSetFreeForAlertTrue"; const char FREEFORALERT_FALSE[] = "DUMMYFPSetFreeForAlertFalse"; const char FREEFORALERT[] = "DUMMYFPIsFreeForAlert"; const char INBASE_TRUE[] = "DUMMYFPSetInBaseTrue"; const char INBASE_FALSE[] = "DUMMYFPSetInBaseFalse"; const char INBASE[] = "DUMMYFPIsInBase"; // 1.0 object rufe_tec : CommandScript { rufe_tec() { SetIcon(IMG_ICON); SetCursor(IMG_CURSOR); SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_STREET); } bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { return true; } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Person p(Caller); if (!Game::IsFreeplay()) return false; if (Caller->GetID() == Target->GetID()) return false; return true; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { GameObjectList ol; GameObject *o; ActorList al; Actor spawnpoint; Vector spawnpos; Person p; float rot[9]; float childRot[9]; Vector tpos; PersonList pl; // fahrzeug finden ol = Game::GetGameObjects("tec"); // fahrzeug anwaehlen o = *ol.GetObject(0); Vehicle v(o); // frei fuer einsatz? if (v.HasCommand("ich_bin_nicht_frei")) { Mission::PlayHint("Techniker nicht Einsatzbereit"); return; } else { // alarm-meldung ausgeben Mission::PlayHint("Einsatz für den Techniker"); Audio::PlaySample("mod:audio/fx/tec.wav"); // fahrzeug auf "im einsatz" setzen v.AssignCommand("ich_bin_nicht_frei"); // wache-eingang finden al=Game::GetActors("personalTEC"); if(al.GetNumActors() > 0) { spawnpoint = *al.GetActor(0); spawnpos = spawnpoint.GetPosition(); } else { Mission::PlayHint("Kann Personal-Eingang nicht finden!"); return; } // besatzung erzeugen? bool ob_tec = false; pl = v.GetPassengers(); for(int i=0; i < pl.GetNumPersons(); i++) { if (pl.GetPerson(i)->HasCommand("repair")) { ob_tec = true; } } bool vinbase = false; if(v.HasCommand(INBASE)) { vinbase = true; //Mission::PlayHint("Fahrzeug ist auf seinem Stellplatz"); } // Techniker // besatzung erzeugen if (!ob_tec && vinbase) { p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/Technik/Techniker.e4p","tecp"); p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot); p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]); // " an wache-eingang spawnen GameObject *px(p); Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100); p.SetPosition(spawnpos); p.SetEquipment(EQUIP_THW_CASE); // " set commandable false p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true); // " set commandable true p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true); // " in fahrzeug einsteigen p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false); } // Techniker // besatzung erzeugen if (!ob_tec && vinbase) { p = Game::CreatePerson("mod:Prototypes/Persons/Technik/Techniker.e4p","tecp"); p.GetRotation(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3], rot[4], rot[5], rot[6], rot[7], rot[8]); Math::EulerToMatrix(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, childRot); Math::MultiplyMatrices(childRot, rot); p.SetRotation(childRot[0], childRot[1], childRot[2], childRot[3], childRot[4], childRot[5], childRot[6], childRot[7], childRot[8]); // " an wache-eingang spawnen GameObject *px(p); Game::FindFreePosition(px, spawnpos, 100); p.SetPosition(spawnpos); p.SetEquipment(EQUIP_THW_CASE); // " set commandable false p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, COMMANDABLE_FALSE, &p, 1, true); // " set commandable true p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &p, 1, true); // " in fahrzeug einsteigen p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "entercar", o, 0, false); } // // besatzung einsatzbereit? bool ready = false; if (ob_tec) { ready= true; } // in basis? if (vinbase) { // zeit zum einsteigen, bevor fahrzeug losfaehrt v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 12.0); } v.SetSpeed(13.0f); // nicht in basis und nicht einsatzbereit? if (!ready && !vinbase)) { //Mission::PlayHint(v.GetName()); Mission::PlayHint("Ohne Personal, Einsatz nicht möglich!"); return; } // fahrzeug set commandable true v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, COMMANDABLE_TRUE, &v, 1, true); // Warnlichter an! v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND,"VCmdBlau",Caller,3,false); //Wenn nicht in Basis aber Einsatzbereit? tpos = Game::GetCommandPos(); if (!vinbase && ready) { v.EnableBlueLights(true); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, "Status3",Caller,0,false); v.PushActionmove(ACTION_APPEND, tpos); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Status4",Caller,0,false); } // verlaesst basis v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, INBASE_FALSE, &v, 1, true); if (!vinbase) { // warnleuchten aus v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VCmdWarningLightsOff", &v, 1, true); } // losfahren zum einsatzort v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Status3",Caller,0,false); v.PushActionmove(ACTION_APPEND, tpos); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Status4",Caller,0,false); } } };
  7. try this one http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=1180 Thanks to the above comments fingers crossed i will be able to release this
  8. no i never , wish i knew this before i reinstalled now i dont even have MODs folder in the emergency folder, thanks anyways tho
  9. just tried to uninstall the Mod then reinstall but when i load it in editor for some reason it stays the same, i have even uninstalled EM4 and after installing it again all the mods are still there GGRRR
  10. yeah thats what i did the first time, then when i went into the editor it was still coming up as the old map but then in the game i had parts of each and the new map in the top right corner (on screen) I have tried to uninstall the game and the mod but that doesnt even work
  11. I uploaded a map into a MOD then did some editing on the map, then i found another map that i wanted to use so i deleted all the "MAP" folder and put the NEW MAP folder in its place! When i try to upload the new map in editor i still get the old map, when i play the game i get a mixture of the old map and the newone but have the new map in the top left corner box any ideas please?
  12. This is what my PRIVATE London Mod looks like, Map: Has working police station, A&E, 2 Fire stations (well it did have until i messed it up tried to load LA map into game but now have NY map with LA map in corner (any help please)) police station has 6 parking spaces A&E ambulances have 3 spaces Fire station 1: 3 fire engines ( 2x pumps 1x ladder) 1 officers car, Station 2: just 2 pumps and a car wanting to add on station 1: hazmat/ IRU truck once i get the map issue sorted TSGVan: can rotate, deploy front or back unlike NY Mod i havent used shields or fence as there not used all the time, also can go to the police station Area cars: Can now patrol, chase and park at station Police officers: call for: back up, ambulance, fire (la mod script) Fire officers: ambulance, hazmat, Police (ny mod script) more screen shots to come, using WIFI on computer and takes long!!!!!! I am not going to release this its for my own use also i dont have permission to share this from current owners, i have however asked if i could but as mintcake isnt alone alot i have been waiting a month for reply
  13. Patvmru are you for real! anyway looking forward to v3
  14. show some of your work you have done, this might get people keen
  15. could anyone send me the "read me" file please or help with this? Thanks
  16. I have nothing to do with this MOD, But having a play around with the London MOD i came up with this so far, Also hoping to do a new euro copter, coast guard, RNLI, RLC Bomb Squad, Air ambo and found a script to call for volunteers so going to ask around and see if i can get that in game but will have to do a new map so no hopes really. I have changed the Script so that all police have taser gun as most officers around here carry one and only use the ford as a patrol car due to only having them around here but use BMW ect for traffic, all credits to London mod
  17. when i open editor or game i cant take a print screen, press the prt sc button then go to upload it into paint and tried photoeditor it just comes up a blank screen, any reasons why?
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