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Everything posted by rescue_nerd

  1. Cool, do the firefighters wear medical gloves?
  2. Are you kidding? It means that it is exact the same as in real(life). So 1:1, the one looks exactly like the other one! XD In this case, the urban map of Brooklyn in the EM4 mod is gonna be like the real Brooklyn in NY. So same streets and stuff, for example the famous bridge or parks, halls, plazas what ever.
  3. OMG why are you that angry now and feel you have to diss me? Keep cool kiddo ps: I live in North Korea, you know we don't even have computers, I write this message by hand and the postman delivers it to your PC. XD
  4. *like For example "Jackson Hole Tram": http://lmgtfy.com/?q=jackson+hole+tram
  5. WTF? are you mad? I should learn English! That what you mean is a trolley or trolley car or train but not a tram!! A tram is lake a gondola but bigger!
  6. Nicely done, I have never seen that kind of vehicle in EM4 before.
  7. You want a tram?!? Have you ever seen a tram in a mod. If there was a tram you would need a mountain as well. Or have you ever seen a tram that goes straight across the floor?
  8. It's cool that you found somebody who helps you. I don't wanna say that I don't like your stuff but it's better for you so you aren't that alone.
  9. I'm not gonna put the bite on you, so I just wanna clarify that. I have got plenty of time.... It's great I love your mod, submod XD
  10. But you have to wait, it's still WIP (^^marshall 8946, thanks)
  11. I understand you totally. You made an excellent mod and the most of all the people were first asking about release dates but then complaining about bugs and problems. So I see that is kinda frustrating to guys that worked on this project. Thank you anyways for the Manhattan mod!
  12. Extraordinary... awesome. I have a kinda silly question what does WIP mean in this case. Something that it won't be released, right?
  13. Well, well, here we are! XD ps: nicely done
  14. Don't say things like that. They take their time its ok, it's great that they have even started this project.
  15. Cool bike! My question is: is that motorbike used by EMS?
  16. Thanks. By the way may I ask you something... are you German?
  17. rescue_nerd

    Italy Mod

    XD nice pictures
  18. Good screenshots. I love the pickup truck with the firefighters in its bed.
  19. rescue_nerd

    Italy Mod

    yeah you tell me it was started but there weren't any screenshots or models and stuff like that or whatever. So you can't kill anything it doesn't change anything if you say it is dead.
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