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Everything posted by erfd

  1. Microsoft should make a police, fire, and ems simulator game. I love their games!
  2. I got it to work with 911 FR my target is : "C:\Program Files\WizardWorks\911 - First Responders\Em4.exe" -game -mod "Los Angeles Mod v1.7"
  3. One thing, I never get highway accidents. I played for 35 mins, but I did get a few small accidents. How long does it usally take for the accident to happen? Ya the map rocks, so much better than old one!
  4. I have 911 FR and tried to use technition to fix the hydrant, it says theres nothing to fix.
  5. Cant wait tell this sub mod work a little better with 911 FR
  6. Anyone play runescape? Does anybody here like acdc or their new album Black Ice?
  7. Same here, also when I try to leave to the main menu after I fail miserble it crashes.
  8. You have to download the one on top and then the one for what ever version you have.
  9. When I tell a fire truck to leave the station it pulls out on to the road and stops for about 1 min., same with police.
  10. Im dancing around waiting it to download!
  11. erfd

    New Fire Game Idea

    I sent an idea to microsoft and they read. They sent a letter back and they talk about the idea in the letter.
  12. What kind of changes in the freeplay? Plz don't yell at me if Im not sossopsed to ask this.
  13. Even if they take out some models or some of the radio is taken out.
  14. Dang, you should tell them to let you do more in demo, like make it possible to edit the scenerio in the house and the response that happens. Also make like 2 or 3 house avalibe instead of 1. Tell me what they think.
  15. You can do that with any game if you know someone or if someone just email you the files.
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