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Posts posted by erfd

  1. Eh, yeah but I really don't see much women firefighters in the FDNY. I looked..well so far, I saw two actually haha. at 3 engine house. That would be interesting though but there would be like one per company =. I'm jk but at the same time, I'm truthful...

    Did a report and found out that 90% of FDNY firefighters are white males.

  2. Well, I read both side by side.


    Fire fighters

    Fire stations

    Fire calls

    That pretty generic list. There is no reason for you to be causing problems or building a case against Rafael, ESPECIALLY in public. There are right ways and wrong ways to handle these situations and so far it's been going the wrong way.

  3. How much did this cost you? In US dollars? This looks great! Also, do calls randomly come in or are they like missions? I mean like 911 Fr in Endless game mode type of thing.

    I got it for about $20. (when you make an account on the site the price is marked down a little.) The calls are all random, no set call times, etc. and varies everytime. It is pretty slow and repetative until you get to the Panther though. That is by far what the game is set up for and my favorite part. (plus way better calls.)

  4. Tet Offensive was a major turing point. The allied forces and Militias tthere absolutley destryoed the Viet Cong invaders. Most were pushed out within 1-3 days, some took just hours. However, at the time, the US public was highly against the war, and the increase in US causilties (543 killed and 2,547 wounded) made it even worse. The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese lost 85,000–100,000 combined it the offensive and 45,000 in a previous battle (Border Battles).

    This was a war that we could have one. The way you win wars is:

    -Have public support-Nope-majority of the US was against the war

    -Have allied support-Yes-the south vietnam govt wanted us there.

    -Win the hearts and minds of the invaded countries people. Yes/No depending on the area- massacures occured of whole villages. If they had ties/tips on villages or people they would be killed/arrested and village burned. However, in areas this didnt happen and they were friendly, they had good ties.

    -Have a dedicated proffesional army-No-Soliders served very short terms. Just as a group was getting expierenced and knowing what to do, they were sent home and a new group came in. They made the same mistakes over and over again.

    Really, we had no reason to be there. THe real reason was to stop the spread of communisim. This was the same reason we were in Korea, Viet Nam, Cold War, etc.

  5. It may also depend by the way the lighting is wired on the truck.

    Certain lights or warning sounds on apparatus are sometimes only available on certain light settings. I know our one engine will actually sound an alert and flash lights in the cab if you don't have the lightbar on... not sure why, probably just a safety feature.

    Only in reverse? Or all the time, because that would drive me crazy having that beeping all the time.

  6. Look at it like this:

    Being a massive superpower there are going to be millions of problems involved. There are, however, millions of good things that have came about over time compared to a smaller country. Every thing we do is watched to a key, however only the worse gets out.

    Think about what the world would be like without the US throughout history. There would be four countries right now. Nazi Europe, Soviet Union, Japenese Empire, and the United States of America. Tons of medical advancements, technological, weaponry, etc. have come from America. Dont take it away by saying "That person was from this country, but moved to America." It dosent matter, they are still American.

    The US must not be that bad, especially due to the fact that 14 million people have migrated here from 2001-2010 legally, millions of others illegally. We provide foreign aid to 150/195 countries in the world.

    Now onto military strength, etc. It is IMPOSSIBLE to compare militaries. Over the time of history, great nations have been conqured time and time again by smaller nations. It varies on whats going on economically, socially, etc. There is no doubt that we have a very strong military, but it is impossible to declare a true most powerful military.

    Now, you may think our military takes "anybody they can" to serve. Not the case. It is not easy to get into the military unless you are devoted. Everyone in our military at this moment is doing it out of own will.

    People bring up stories like the Marine Scout Sniper Group urinating on dead soliders. This is war,defilment of the enemy happens every day, by soliders from every nation. War is not pretty. I'm not saying it is right and they should be punished as they will be, but I'm pointing out it happens everywhere.

    All in all, our counrty does many good, many bad, has very powerful diplomatic and military forces, and there is no doubt the world wouldn't be the same without the US.

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