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Everything posted by JamesCobey

  1. Patriots and 49ers are winning their games today to make for an awesome superbowl on the 2nd

    1. hummer1197


      I think you a few days off. Seahawks beat the 49ers Sunday!

  2. All 6 seasons on netflix

  3. Everyone go and like the page Kady's Gourmet Marshmallows

  4. woo. spent the new years fireworks show at frontier village then Clinton showed up for a few minutes. Happy new year everybody.

  5. anyone wanna buy an esio beverage machine for 125$ need to.get rid.of.it. message me.ot Kady Larm for pics or anything . else. its a 250$ machine and comes with 2 turning trays for.extra packets and 6 beverage packets.

  6. I am looking to do a phoenix reskin or full complete mod for all emergency services. I do not know how to do it. Any of it. If anyone knows someone or that can help me do it it would be greatly apprciated.
  7. hey everyone planning a four wheel drive trip for next Saturday November 9,2013 to Sedona for the broken aarow trail and maybe soldiers pass. message me if you would like to go or want any info on it.

  8. watching team usa battle team europe on battlefield 4. so cool watching this war

  9. sad for.the homeowners but i love the smell of structure fire

    1. Handsup!
    2. Fred03


      Nothing like the smell of carcinogens in the morning...

  10. other- Realistic lights on vehicles Modding easier More cities for modding such as phoenix, Chicago, San diego enter most buildings set up traffic details and fire training areas Add American flags to back of fire trucks for united states mods
  11. I would like to see all of these. In single player or campaign more missions that are happening daily. yea like crane falling or train crashes in em4. would love to see- Roundabouts Airplane Missions Large Stripmall type fires Larger Map with outlying areas suck as small subdivisions with limited water or resources Multiplayer- Many diffirent maps maybe minimum of 3 to choose from Be able to chat with other players without mics Have an airport accessable and be able to put a station on it for fire department Depending on map size minimum of 2 fire stations with diffirent apparatus inside. (we can pick which ones we want in them) More incidents such as active shooters, bombings, wildfires (la mod) Other-
  12. what will emergency-planets new home be
  13. i think i may need to get one of these. i bought a doce fire shirt now time for yarnell. http://californiafireshirts.com/2013FireSeason/YarnellHill/yarnell.html

  14. At red robin with Kady and mother and grandma and aunt Kathy and beep

  15. Carpet cleaning at grandma cobeys

  16. R.I.P Kris. You will be missed by many and remembered by all. He was a great kid and everyone will miss him.this is a very sad day but we all will get through it.

  17. Happy thanskgiving to all the families around the states have a great day with your families and to the troops over seas. Come back soon be safe and we will see you for christmas. And to my family I will see you all at grandmas later today

  18. Nothing like sending kady to a doctors appointment and playing guitar hero

  19. So a 3rd bedroom is still available in our apartment. If you have a job and can make rent at the 1st of each month let me know and we will see what happens. Need it by january 1st thanks

  20. went to a mass casualty drill at the airport simulated 2 airplanes colliding and having 35 patients. 6 fire departments, lifeline, national guard, dps prescott pd all involved. had 1 actual victim during drill. overall good drill and good day. check out the pics and comment and like em.

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