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Posts posted by Stan

  1. first of al please don't be so agressive to me. anyone can make mistakes and i'm not the only one. when a post begins with such a sentence i will not take the time to read the rest with most people because it's rubbish most of the time.

    i admit it was my mistake and it was dumb of me to post it before double chekking. i don't know what i have done to you because this has happened before. if you had a rough day at work or something don't take it out on me man, i'm just one of the many dumb and useless people on the planet ;) there are many other people who do deserve this but i can't see why it should be me.

    i hope i didn't piss you off or something, just making a point here ;):happy: (or my opinion, just how you like to call it)

    sorry for the many mistakes i don't really have my day :unsure:

    No it's the fact that people here always want to have reason, even when we help and say them due what an error it's due, we get to here we're wrong and it's not due to that and blabla.

    If the admins or moderators post something well it is based on fiable source so i don't see the point in always saying we're wrong (Note: i'm definitivly NOT saying admins & moderators are perfect)

    and about this:

    Dude, learn german okey...

    I do'nt know why yous till was able to see that since i changed it 20secs after original post

  2. :sleep: Okey lets prove it then...

    Thats what there stands

    >>> Winterberg lässt sich nuN im MULTIPLAYER spielen <<<

    Meaning: Winterberg can be played in multiplayer now

    There doesnt stand this:

    >>> Winterberg lässt sich nuR im MULTIPLAYER spielen <<<

    Meaning: Winterberg can only be played in multiplayer now

    So before giving out comments be sure you're right...

  3. The problem with Winterberg 3.0 and freeplay is that it isn't compatible; it wasn't built to run on freeplay, it was designed to be played on multiplayer. If you look at the topic at the Winterbergforum, they clearly state that this version has a high crash probability at freeplay. So that might be your problem.


    Eh gamesfunk your a bit wrong with the point it wasnt made for freeplay...

    The MP behind its name is because it is now multiplayer compatible, if it was designed to be multiplayer only they wound have removed the freeplay map witch isnt the case. It's just they tested it so abd and made such shit work that they didn't even notice it doesn't work in freeplay correctly

    Ik denkd at ik weet waar de crash aan ligt, maar daar zet ik me eerst in verbinding met Winterberger voordat ik heir met een fix kom

  4. HEy Hoppah,

    I Heard u were going to make your own Missions For v1.2 which i dont see it...n cause i heard u were going to make a Bomb Squad ...anyway just letting u know cause i dont see it thats why....THe Mod ROcks :):happy::sporty:

    THanks Hoppah N ALL who worked with La Mod :1046275747_biggthumpup:

    He never sayd there would be missions IN 1.2, I think he made enough work for 1.2.

    The few minutes i saw the mod, it was great!! But my game crashes every time. I tried to download the config file but when i click on download the page is redirecting me to the beginnin of the page.

    Thats the site security, if you don't accept cookies from downloads.emergency-planet.com it wont let you download...

  5. hey all!

    just saw the new LA mod can't wait to install the mod but my mod installer has got buggered up somehow. when i try and install a package it says mod file corrupted..(lots of different mods i've tried) and then it just makes a new folder on my desktop of the name of the mod. but it won't install!

    any ideas? anywhere i could get the files for the mod installer again if they've got corrupted?

    I can't find my em4 disc so i really don't want to have to think about reinstalling!

    please help you guys - i have faith in you!! :D

    EDIT: I fixed it by downloading your configuration file again! Thanks very much for uploading that - you're a life saver! LA mod is amazing, just tried it out all very clever! Thoroughly well done!

    Lol i begin to feel like "Wow i wrote two magic config files!" Sin ce they seem to fix all errors people can get in the game :laugh:

  6. I have the latest patch.. and yes i did load different mods without quiting the game.

    I was having the error even restarting the game later. Anyway, i unistalled one of the mods i believed be the source of the problem and the game is now working

    Ok ;)

  7. My english is much better then my german so I hope I can get the solution here instead on a german forum.

    There's a new version of the winterberg mod (3.0 I think). When I play the freeplay the game crashes without an error and goes back to my desktopscreen. Are there more people who have this problem or is it just me (and mij PC).

    What can I do to avoid the crashing??

    -Install the latest patches

    -Install the latest graphic drivers

    -Be sure your configuration file is not misconfigurated

  8. Hey hoppah, is there any way I could continue the LA mod for em3? I'm geting the hang of modding, and you will be listed as the author :danke:
    That sounds like a good idea agentsmith6! I hope he lets you. My parents said that I can't em4 yet because I got em3 for chrismas and I have to tell you. I hugged them so hard when I got it, but then again, I am from Canada. But anyways, my oarents said I could get it later so I hope he lets you! I love em3 so much! Well, good luck with your modding :1046275747_biggthumpup: :sporty::happy:

    I don't think he'll let you guys... try making your own mod and not get known by modifying a known mod

  9. when the battalion chief calls a fire vehicle, does a watertender or a firetruck come?

    Check the video you can clearly see it when he uses the firechief :happy:

    Do all units have a patrol option or only police?

    As you cans ee on video: Police cars had such a command & ambulances

    What happens if you own more vehicles than can fit in the stations?

    It says byebye and goes home out of the map

    If you click on a vehicle in the fire station, and tell it to move somewhere outside, will the gates automatically open if they're close?

    Hoppah could you respond, i aint sure of that one

    what happens if you raise the alarm in the fire station?

    It's on the video :happy:

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