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Posts posted by mariuswww

  1. Currently I do not see a reason for the game not working without steam.

    But if you buy the game with steam you might have to use steam as well. But we still have a good amount of time before discussing these aspects ;)

    This is obviously not an "Ask me Anything" thread from your side, but now that you're here I have to ask; Are the fire hoses movement or physics if you'd like, improved from Em4?


    If you ask me thats one of the biggest visual draw backs that em4 has.

  2. https://www.google.com/search?q=roseville+mn+fire+station&tbm=isch&ei=yVi1U7zmPIOyyATzsYHQDA#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=6_f9YJjpGF6XIM%253A%3B3DEClz6iEs_zyM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wenck.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F12%252FMG_0246.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bossardt.com%252Fprojects%252F%3B800%3B551



    3D Rendering




    Picture of our station.



    He's asking for non American station depts lol

  3. Is the station just 1 engine, 1 ladder and 1 tanker "company" or do you have other vehicles there also?

    Negative, the station holds 2 engines, 2 tankers, 2 ladders, 1 rescue, and a variety of small vehicles. The idea is that when the on duty guys leave for a fire, paged people will watch the station and respond to any other emergencies in the city with the remainder of the vehicles.

  4. Well nice. But couldn't 16T just as well do this in a public forum? And no, I'm not participating. My German sucks and I'm too lazy to drive that distance (nearly 400 miles) fer a little event. Even if the drinks, food and staying are for free. I do wanna visit Berlin sometime though.

    Berlin is an awesome city, just came back lol.

  5. you can animate a cherry picker for example but it wouldnt behave like a ladder at all, it would have to have a script telling it how to behave full-time instead of being a ladder.

    haha, I solved the issue by playing the ladder install animation I wanted, then switching model to an installed one (if that makes sense).

  6. You can't mod, the game is buggy as it is....it is poopy :( I had high hopes for this game but it is crap in my opinion, it is cheap - but not worth the 16 bucks I spent.

    Agreed, its just like Airport firefighter sim.. 

  7. Haha why thank you, yeah I agree it looks better with a different texture, the Manhattan one took just over 3 months from start to finish whereas this one is almost done in less than a week, was worried it would seem rushed but I'm happy with the detail so far, still more to do yet though :)

    It was actually done in just over 24 hours, but oh well. My paint skills only go so far lol. But we got the basic street layout and that is what I hoping to achive.

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