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Everything posted by dizza

  1. dizza

    Multiplayer LA mod

    Just a suggestion, why not everyone get Xfire and then you can put the people you meet through here in a group called "LA Mod" and then you can just ask people if they want to play multiplayer with you? I use it all the time with my clan and our Teamspeak server for other games. Makes communication SO MUCH easier. -d
  2. I decided to reload my video drivers... now it doesn't go into the game at all. Double click the shortcut, game starts to load, then goes right back to the desktop within 5 seconds. So I reinstalled the game, no luck. Same problem. Attaching log file. Also my PC specs are: AMD 64 3700+ 2 GB Crucial ram Nvidia 7600 GT 256MB Yea I've tried that as well. I only had the bare stuff running for XP Pro -d
  3. Yes. I even backed mine up, downloaded the ones from here, copied those into my installation folder and made those read-only as well. Still occurs. -d
  4. Yes I did... and I did a search of topics on the crashing problem... and none of the current topics/solutions fixed my problem. -d
  5. Did you clear all debris from the race track? -d
  6. It is totally random, sometimes it will let me play for an hour or two and sometimes it happens just after 5 mins. Attaching log file, hoping for some insight to this problem. -d
  7. It won't work for the game or in general? I've taken screenshots with Vista just fine, but haven't attempted to in this game. -d
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