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Posts posted by dizza

  1. Wow. He said:

    Who's right now eh? CHP != California State Police, sorry.

    California State Police doesn't exist, All state related things are done by CHP (California State Police merged into CHP in 1995).

    So who's right now? He said that the State Police merged into the CHP. Not that the State Police IS the CHP. He didn't say "CHP (California State Police) as you quoted. I should know man, I live here.


  2. Happah,Can you add california State police?And here is some picture of some Police cars.

    1st picture:How about this Swat truck?This is in LA.

    2nd picture:state police motorcycles.

    3rd picture:New police car.I saw this on the web.

    WTF? Those are Mexican Federales...

    And the others aren't LA units at all. Research then type man.


    CHP is the California Highway Patrol....

    No kidding... He said the State Police got absorbed into the CHP.


  3. That mission sound good.Yesterday on the news,I heard that there was a train crash in LA.

    The "mission" he wrote is the news story of the crash... but the death toll is up to 24 now. I watched it all unfold on TV yesterday and today. Worst train accident in 15 years here in the U.S.

    On a side note, an LAPD officer was on the train and was killed. I was watching on tv when they pulled her body out and the rows after rows of officers and sheriffs who were saluting as her flag draped body was taken to an ambulance.


  4. Might of found a mission bug. In the broken levee mission, I can't get the Jayhawks to pick people off the roofs at all. The only one I can pick up is the injured person that is already laying down. I've tried it several times and so far have been unable to rescue the people. I am pretty sure it prevent the mission from being completed as well, because you can only rescue so many people off the roofs with the boats at that point.


  5. Can you upload your logfile after another crash for me? :)

    Last few lines.. this was after I tried to deploy a Motorcycle unit. Locked up as soon as the unit info screen began to drop down into view.

    Freeplay: car accident attachment found

    Freeplay: car accident attachment found

    Freeplay: car accident found

    Freeplay: car accident attachment found

    Freeplay: car accident attachment found

    !Animation dlk_basket_down is no longer valid

    !Animation dlk_basket_up is no longer valid

    !Animation dlk_basket_down is no longer valid

    !Animation dlk_basket_up is no longer valid

    |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3025 kB.

    !Fire station alarm

    |Loading Model mod:\Models\Objects\Equipment\emcase.v3o


    |Model contains 104 vertices, 96 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes

    set animation open

    set animation open

    set animation open

    set animation open

    set animation open

    |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 3043 kB.

    ?SpawnPoint "firecheck11" is blocked.

    ?SpawnPoint "taxi_beach01_taxi": Assigned path "traffic_car02" is blocked.

    ?SpawnPoint "taxi_supermarket01_taxi": Assigned path "traffic_car05" is blocked.

    ?SpawnPoint "firecheck22": Assigned path "taxi_town04_waiter" is blocked.

    |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\Misc\empty.v3o


    |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes

  6. In Freeplay, my game locks up any time I try to deploy the FBI Command vehicle. I've attempted this 8 times so far, and all 8 have resulted in the game crashing. It locks up when the unit info screen starts to drop down. I can see just the bottom of it starting to come down when it locks up.


  7. Why do I get so much negative feedback EVERY TIME I make something realistic?

    People are complaining about the white roof of the red ambulance, the silver roofs of the fire apparatus, too few fire stations, and now the lightbar? What's next? Sometimes, I think I should stop modding, leave this forum and never come back again.

    That is because you can't please everyone in this world. I for one love that everything is realistic. That is what THIS MOD is about.

    You do AWESOME work Hoppah and I truely appreciate it.


  8. Slowly agencies around the LA area are starting to use Chargers in their fleets. Most agencies don't have the budgets of the big time cities, so they are buying Chargers when some of their Crown Vics are retired out of service. The PD that I worked for retired their cars at 75,000 miles, they figured after that the cost of up keep and maintenance was going to be more in the long run than buying new.

    The city I just moved from has roughly 200 officers (give or take 10), they own 3 NOTAR helicopters, have their own SWAT team (with 2 BEAR trucks), a host of other toys... but they won't be going to Chargers. They said they aren't worth it and will keep buying CV's as long as they can.


  9. I'm not looking to transport 30 prisoners - just 2+ away from a scene without calling multiple units off patrol.

    Does the LAPD not use paddy wagons of some sort?

    I can't say that I've ever seen one. Even at large events or protests where a lot of arrests are possible, I've seen them bring in the LASD Prisoner buses. I see those buses almost every day when I'm driving up to LA.


  10. Hoopah i have some more pictures of the lapd unmarked rear shelf lights( in the metalic blue paint)

    Also notice that theres no pushbar or spotlights.

    These were taken during a K-9 Training exercise. If any one wants to see more just ask me. I have some SWAT training pictures also.

    BTW These are my pictures



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