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Everything posted by sgtmatt325

  1. Lovin' my new gaming computer :D

    1. Handsup!


      Gimme dem specs bro!

  2. Has anyone heared of a script so you can open the back doors of say a Chief SUV?? it would act like the "install" command

  3. Think i found my hardest script to put in a mod...BMA

    1. cops


      I know some more things than only the BMA :P

    2. Hoppah


      My hardest script was the limited water logic script. Omfg

  4. Anyone able to edit a model for me? the job is just removing the light bar

  5. There needs to be more American Fire Trucks like KME, Sutphen and E-ONE

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      I only see Pierce

  6. Where can i fin the location of the photos used in the vehicle menu, I would like to edit them

  7. Sorry we had a problem with the website but everything is working now, Please check you're email If you have any questions PM me or hop on Teamspeak
  8. Station 95 now has a new website http://station95.webs.com/ Hope to see some new faces.
  9. So everyone is aware Station 95 has a new website http://station95.webs.com/

  10. Station 95 is stil looking for members with the following Requirements * Is 14+ * Has Teamspeak 3 * Has a working microphone * Is mature and can respect everyone * Able to follow orders * Able to stay active
  11. Our office hours are 15:00 EST - 21:00 EST If nobody is on then it means they are gone to bed or have something to do
  12. We are always looking for new members!
  13. If anyone on here is planing to play GTA Online don't waste your time cause its really bugging and its unplayable until Rockstar releases a update to fix it

    1. Marshall8946


      Yeah, I called it. You'd think they would see how much they received in sales to understand the mass quantity of players hoping to be online. I mean, they even waited two weeks after the game was released to enable online..

    2. sgtmatt325


      Rockstar can only test the server so much until they have to release it and like millions of people join and see what bugs happen then repair them

  14. Anyone know where i can get a Chevy Van Ambulance model

    1. squamishfire


      if you talk to goog and ask really nicely he might be willing to give you a blank... are you looking for a chev demers or a chev crestline?

  15. Seems like a messed something up cause the Tanker can't supply a Engine and then the hose lines off the Engine can't spray but the line off the Tanker does (Yes i understand about the permission thing but i'm just testing)
  16. Hoppah you forgot to tell people they need to edit the following files Lang > en > infotext.xml & portraits.xml Specs > freeplaybase.xml, freeplaybase_mp.xml & portraits.xml Units > Vehicles > Fire Department > 120Watertanker Also only problem i'm having is that the Tanker can't supply a Engine and a firefighter can spray with the hose
  17. I'm sad Hoppah didn't update the Water Supply Guide yet :(

    1. cops


      don't complain...

    2. sgtmatt325


      I'm not i'm just saying its called freedom of speech

  18. Its because the unit still thinks there is a garage door there I got the same problem with units on my mod but i can't find a way to fix it
  19. Anyone know where to get a AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition Deneb 3.5GHz Socket AM3 125W Quad-Core Desktop Processor HDZ970FBGMBOX for a good price and fast

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Handsup!


      exactly,go for something like an A8 or Intel i3

    3. sgtmatt325
    4. Handsup!


      What is your mobo

  20. Now the question remains....How hard will it be to place in a mod Yes i understand you said "please be aware that any vehicle in your mod will probably not be fully compatible with v1.2 anymore"
  21. Hey Hoppah After i place the script in my mod i gave it to my friends to play and the water supply doesn't work on MP, How hard will it be for you to make it work for MP
  22. UPDATE Some of you might think this mod has died. Well its still going...slowly But i got some good and bad news Good news Water supply is now fully working in-game, Big thanks to Hoppah Every street in the game has a name on it, Good for playing with friends Every unit is in game The map is being redone to a "Town" like feel We are now using FD Command Patch 3 Bad News Not every unit has been reskined Lost our skiner (Looking for one now) That's pretty much it but like always when something changes i will post Oh i almost forgot we are looking for a mapper since my pc can't handle the editor so well If you would like to join the team just message me.
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