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Everything posted by goog

  1. Hello,yes,we have plans for that but we're going to get the main units done first so we can release this ASAP.Later we will replace all the smaller and less used units.
  2. Not yet,still working on LASD,LAPP,LAAP,FBI,ATF and Border Patrol.I think that;s 12 units in total,so shouldn't take too long. EDIT- did this in a few hours,I still have to add lightbar and leds.
  3. That's a hard question because the mod has other modders models that we use therefore we shouldn't have the right to sell it for money. It takes a lot of work and free time to do the textures and model edits. Most people would wait for this to be released then they would just skin the textures to match the department they desired.
  4. here's a quick view of the all new Rescue2 and Rescue4 in game editor...Rescue2 is the 2 door medivac unit and Recue4 is the 4 door Bearcat
  5. Hi guys,got a sweet update...Itchboy donated a beautiful model of the new LAPD SWAT Lenco Bearcat.The skin and child models are by me. The back wheels are still being made so ignore the rear wheels for now.
  6. Our goal is to update all units to the modern day counterpart as long as the model is available.
  7. I've used the SGmod as a base for this,I haven't played it in forever so I can't remember if his police units were as bad for jams. For now we will be just focusing on newer unit replacement.
  8. Yes but that will be later on,want to get some fire and police units done and released then we can work on what's left.
  9. We got both fire station units done,except ambulances...CFD has to light some of rigs still. I added a short video in the editor to show Station 10's rigs. Our plan going forward is as follows,the remaining fire apparatus at the stations will be lit by CFD.Once this happens we will release it to you guys so you can play it. After that we will work on remaining units and as completed downloads will be posted to the topic for you to download. I will work on getting a ambulance and police upgrade added in the near future.Lastly will be the smaller units at the fire station. bandicam 2019-07-12 12-59-53-220.avi
  10. Yes I could update that unit,but it will be lower on the list.I want to get a few released ASAP,then focus on some LAPD units that are close to being done.
  11. when we're done see above a lot has happened if you care to read the topic we had a police package that was available 8 years ago but I got rid of the link so we can release newer updated units We're working at our own pace and have no deadline,if that doesn't work for you feel free not to follow the topic !
  12. If there is a model for it available it will be changed,if not it will stay as is.
  13. Plan is to do updated current vehicles and then go from there. The question about the Battalion Dodge truck,yes,it will be updated.
  14. Sorry for the long wait with information but there was nothing to report.After a long break CFD and myself have slowly begun work to get this completed.To those who are understanding and patient,I thank you. We'll be posting updates once we get going and have actual news to share with you.
  15. It's not finished yet and is currently being worked on.I already stated that a mere 5 posts above you if you had read it.
  16. That's the big problem right there is that nobody is willing to come together to help...if that was the case this project would have been done long ago.So that's why we have regrettably come to this decision. For now the RCMP mod will be closed, but who knows what will happen down the road.I will keep all the files and go from there at that point in time if the situation changes.
  17. Can I have a mod close this topic until further notice. At this time,we are focusing our attention and energy to get the LA mod unit upgrade finished.
  18. As I said before,the old version was dated and not up to our standards and was removed. It will be replaced by this new project once completed.
  19. To answer the question about the cvpi with the mx7000,no that unit is dated (especially the lightbar) and will not be included. There will be 3 cvpi's included,2 with argent and a slicktop. They will also have hubcaps and black steel rims.
  20. I agree Itchboy and would rather not include it for that reason alone but for now it will stay.In the game it is at the smaller station with an engine and an ambulance.It also makes no sense to skin it LAcoFD as why would it be in a LAFD station. Some options might be to change out the unit or skin that stations units as LAcoFD but that will be more work,,,we'll see!
  21. Tower Ladder is finished... EDIT- I forgot to add credits to pics Itchboy,Hoppah and Goog.
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