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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Uninstall it like Mikey said and then try and clear out the registry that will get rid of broken or damaged files and that could solve your problem, then reinstall the game again. Fingers crossed!
  2. Sounds like the language folder has been removed or gone corrupt from the EM4/data directory. But I'm not sure what is going on with the left shift though, have you tried to do a system roll back to before you moved or when you last know it was working properly?
  3. My own favorite... 21 Bacon rashers, 6 sausages and to top it off cheese and ketchup... And yes that is 3 full baguettes! I am a growing lad, but I also have a big appetite lol
  4. I need help guys! I have done a reskin of the Montana mod and have put it in its own folder in the mods section, but since today I have not been able to load it into the game it just stops responding, now before you start saying its meant to do that, I know I've been playing the game for years, but I can load any of the other mods, just this one won't. I can open it in the editor perfectly fine and open the map etc. I need help please, because I am getting pissed off with it. It worked last night I could load it into the game, but now I can't and the only thing I have done since yesterday was reskin the FD vehicles.... EDIT: I hate this game sometimes!! All of that stressing out just because of a broken XML file *facepalm* its working perfectly now. Sorry though. Can mods/admin lock/delete the topic thanks
  5. I couldn't agree with you more! It would be really nice to see more PD calls.
  6. I have no idea lol, sorry I was just looking through the maps on the Montana mod the other night and found an Airport map. Can't remember if it was from the LA mod or the standard Em4 game.
  7. When you said Manchester airport, I thought it was something to do with the Manchester, NH mod that just for released lol, good luck with it and if your looking for an airport I think one of the LA mod missions has a good base in which to use for an airport.
  8. Ped vs vehicle you can do that as a normal RTA event and I believe the group fighting is already in the game as an event, but it might be for MP or the Deluxe version I can't remember.
  9. Thanks Oh the light, yeah I put that on there so I know which way its facing lol. I have actually got another one which is the construction version (the red and white one) which says road closed, will post a picture of it when I get around to it. I have indeed though about the traffic cones, even though I don't use them that often, it will still look nice if they where red/white. Thanks for the feedback OC-D I appreciate it.
  10. Leave the ones with no name as traffic doesn't cross paths, at least that is what I have done.
  11. Technically it is working because the police barrier from the LA mod only halts people and the accident sign from the West Midlands mod is only an object. So your argument is invalid, now unless you have some constructive criticism... Please keep quiet!
  12. Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to show you the police accident sign working. Hope you like it. [media=] Credits London Mod vehicles/personnel/map: Sniped222 & Mintcake69 Police Sign: e34p & Scrivs Police Barrier Script: Hoppah
  13. I actually changed it back to the standard LA map and removed the units I didn't need, but like you said there are so many units to play with. Its completely up to you depending on how realistic you want to make your gameplay
  14. It is possible because you could do it in the Wegberg mod, there was a callout where some cows had gotten free and you have to get them back into the field, was hard but quite funny though as you would get one cow in and another would make a run for it lol
  15. Thanks guys Just added another event, I feel bad for the unlucky officer of this patrol car. Fallen Tree Vehicle Damage (without tree) The skin fitted the damaged BMW which I got from the emergency fan forums, just added the "broken" lightbar and the damaged paint work. Credits London Mod vehicles/personnel/map: Sniped222 & Mintcake69
  16. Thanks rcmp123 There is the new livery BMW Traffic Car Credits London Mod vehicles/personnel/map: Sniped222 & Mintcake69 Police Sign: e34p & Scrivs
  17. Thanks guys, I am trying to get some more stuff done for the map and reskinning/adding more vehicles, but unfortunately I won't be looking to get permission, as others have tried and have been denied from the creators.
  18. Yeah I think you can make animals pullable so as long as a squad member has the pull command then it should work.
  19. Yeah I think that's what I will do and the animal should just disappear when the rest of the debris, but it can be pulled off the road but FD etc. It would probably be easier then scripting it lol.
  20. Well what about an ambulance, but have it has the animal control unit, that would work I think if you set the animal to a civilian. But like I said I've never used animals so I don't now what it would work in game.
  21. Hey everyone, I've been working on this for the last few days and I thought I would share what I've done. My 1st plan was to use the Welfordshire models on the London map... But it didn't work out properly, so I decided to reskin the London models and edit the map. They are only minor edits with the vehicles and I have increased the size of the blue light coronas on all vehicles. Let me know what you think. Vehicles Air Ambulance Units Ambulance Service Units Police Accident Sign (from the West Midlands Mod and yes is does actually work and redirect traffic with the use of the police barricade and redirect scripts!) Map Edits Train Station Train Derailment Event Network Rail Trackwork Crash Barrier Repairs Cyclist vs car RTA Event Car vs Animal RTA Event Person vs Cars RTA Event & Zebra Crossing Lights (from Welfordshire Mod) New Police Station Sign Marine Policing Unit Deployment New Hospital Sign (Based off the Diana Princess of Wales hospital in Grimsby, where I live) Credits London Mod vehicles/personnel/map: Sniped222 & Mintcake69 Police Sign/Zebra crossing lights: e34p & Scrivs Reskins/Map Edits: BeastyBill88 If I have missed anyone out please let me know.
  22. That would be cool, I've tried to added traffic accidents involving a deer or farm animal to mine, but I'm unsure on how to get rid of the animal without putting it in the ambulance lol
  23. Well good luck again! Hopefully your computer doesn't die. I've had my desktop for about 13 years and have only had to replace the CPU.
  24. I think I have solved the problem, out of my own stupidity I found that I was using a freeplay parameter XML file which I had already edited to reduce the traffic on the LA map *facepalm* it seems to be working now that I set the vehicle density to 0.25 lol there is traffic blocking every street and junction so I think I need to fine tune it. Thanks for the suggestion though.
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