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Everything posted by Station63Fire

  1. I'm pretty sure he was just taking a guess at it. Calm down killer.
  2. Alright thanks. I'll do some searching around and see what I can find. If you happen to come across it, please post a link for me. Thanks for the fast responses guys. Got it working. Thanks for the help man. Here is the link on how to fix the problem for anyone else who might come across it.
  3. Nope. It's the siren pack I've been using for over a year now, but I'm on the 4x4 submod. I just did a fresh install of LAMod 2.1 and it works. Is there a way to get it to work with the 4x4 submod?
  4. Automatic siren doesn't kick on and even when I click the button to turn it on manually still nothing. The button is there and works like normal just not audible. Also when the unit is at station or standby, the automatic lights don't work, but they do turn on if I click the button. I'm not so much worried about the automatic lights, just the siren.
  5. All the units are working, but can someone tell me how to unlock a vehicle in freeplay? For some reason the Vintage Ambulance is locked in my freeplay, has been for awhile. ^ Fixed that problem, but now I have no sirens. Can anyone help?
  6. Hey at least you guys tried. If you can figure it out, great, if not, at least you tried. Can't make everything realistic.
  7. Neither of those are the new Rescue 1. The first one is a spare, that is the ugly American LaFrance chassis, the 2nd video is the Pierce which they had most recently. All of the rescues are now on a Ferrara chassis. @ Dyson or Raf Just a question/idea. I noticed in the gameplay shots when you order a firefighter to get hose, they get the red box reel. Ever think of changing that to something more realistic, like a shoulder load? Would it even be possible?
  8. Any chance you'll be releasing it for a manual install as well? My modinstaller does not work since it's a digital download and I know a few others will have the same problem.
  9. You never know. Maybe an off map called unit. Was worth a shot.
  10. Is Engine 63 from the Bronx going to be one of the engines by any chance?
  11. Still having the same problem too. No biggie, the rest of the vehicles work and look great. One truck isn't going to bother me.
  12. Everything looks and works great for me except the LASD Tahoe. Has no wheels and no lightbar. The lights work, the lightbar itself just isn't there. Any ideas?
  13. Well I noticed the guys on the roof area, and I also see a ground ladder laying on the sidewalk.
  14. Have it installed on the 4x4 Submod with bits and pieces from other mods and everything works great. Can't wait for the rest.
  15. Unless you are one of the people going to be involved in this mod team...don't count on it. And was it really needed to post ALL that info about the city's history?
  16. I'm pretty sure you're talking about the Steadman Station, which houses Engine 23,Rescue 1, Battalion Chief 6, Air Flex 1, Hazmat 1, Medic 1, Medic 22, Medic 23 and the new EMS 2. It's actually on South Eutaw St.
  17. Baltimore City would be awesome. I just don't see anyone making another mod anytime soon. From what I can tell everyone is already tied up in a project or more than one. Best we could probably get is reskins of the LA mod trucks and changing lightbars to LED if you don't already have them.
  18. Downloading the lights now. Looks great from the videos. I have the 4x4 mod myself and the free play will start with those units parked, but once you use them they can't retrurn. Don't think it's that big of a deal, just call one from off map.
  19. Got mine from Atari and had the same problem. Thanks for the link.
  20. Is there anyway to install this mod without using the ModInstaller? Mines corrupted and I can't find the thread about how to fix it, or if someone can direct me to the thread I need.
  21. I believe there is 2 stations in Brooklyn that are 100% volunteer.
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