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Everything posted by Rubuter1

  1. highway agency sounds better. Highway england is unfair for Scotland and wales.
  2. Ahh. Where I am they're called BAECO (Breathing apparatus entry control officer) and they have flourecent green and orange ones o.O. anyway thanks for letting me know. I go to my local fire station every Monday so next time I'm there I'll ask if the crew manager has a specific tabard when on a shout
  3. Just been reading through the thread since I saw the firefighter picture and your modification looks amazing. Keep up the great work and i can't wait to play it!
  4. ahhh I see. Round where I live I've never seen the crew manager wear them xD
  5. I love them all bar the crew manager with his yellow and black vest (sorry)
  6. Hello tomoro i will be available on multiplayer. The server will be called Random multiplayer. I will be on about 10:00am [ gmt ] So I hope to see you there. Oh and my username will be George. Ok see you there! P.s It's on normal emergency 4!!!!!
  7. I know, It's simple and great to use!!
  8. Lol, Oh well, It still looks good. But if the firemen dont go back in the truck and you cant fix that. Just make a house for em to go in
  9. I really like the ideas! But with the last one, maby a train could de-rail in the underground...
  10. Hey, This is really looking good. I havn't read the whole threa but, maby you could add these: London police divers. London detectives. London c019 ( Central operations 19 ) I don't know if someone has said these. But yeh! And good luck with the rest of the mod!
  11. Wow, can't wait for this to be releaced, the vehicles are looking good! I really wish you luck with this lol!
  12. Wow, I'm loving it, thinking of buying it for Christmas But isn't some of the missions from " emergency 4 deluxe " ?
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