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Status Updates posted by CROPLAYER

  1. 10 km from me there is a big forest fire whic is getting near houses and the wind is going up to 200 km/h. There are 300+ firefighters figting it and thete a lot of tourists that are running from the fire,hope that fire will be stopped.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      hope everything/everyone is ok



      erything went ok,wind has stopped and the canadairs could depart on the firefighting mission and they helped massivlly to control th.e fire but it was a close call

    4. met police999

      met police999

      That's lucky then but would have been exiting to see but scary

  2. 2 bomb explosions in 2 days in radius of 5 kilometers and both on the railway. I live within 5 minutes of walk from both and i am starting to worry a little for my safety

  3. 4 bombs have exploded in the capital of Zagreb, all of them in the same area, one man is seriously injured, police has shut down the area (i live in it) and there is i think 100+ of them, it is 2 hours past midnight, first bomb exploded at midnight,last explosion has occured 20 minutes ago, i think i wont sleep today

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      English article: http://tinyurl.com/zg-bomb

      MORE PHOTOS: bit.ly/Xono7S


    3. met police999

      met police999

      Fred that's not true there are loads of bomb related incidents . Everyday that xxx we don't hear about

    4. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      Terrorism or domestic terrorism. I don't think that they are different than each other. Just to harm people right. Yesterday in turkey kurdish terrorists killed 11 soldiers in southeastern province (full of terror) to protest the assassinations of 3 HVTs in Paris. Back to topic, was the suspect a terrorist or a crazy dumb? Thank to god no civilans died

  4. A i am looking for persons who would be interest in Croatia Mod. I would be satisfied if i could find a person who would skin the vehicles,because i can do all the other work,so if you would like to help me please PM me.

  5. Aarhus mod 1.6 problem with ambulance station has been solved,waiting on bma to answer PM and them we will realse patch

    1. bma


      working on it...

    2. aleksanderwoods


      what problem? I don't think I have.

  6. Another bomb exploded in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb. This time the bomb exploded at the main city square at 2:30 in the morning. Nobody was hurt and the damage is not large. Interesting about this bomb is that it's the third one in the last 2 weeks, but for previous 2 police have arrested a suspect and he is going to stand trail in few months. Croatia is not a place where bomb explode every day, last bomb went on in 2008 and it was a mafia assassination so the people are very confused...

  7. ANOTHER BOMB!!!!!!!

  8. anybody needs help with his mod? Ican help with map editing,PM me if you need some help ;)

  9. anyone for multiplayer??

    1. mijat


      which?? la mod?? or original EM4??

    2. mijat


      im ready for a game

  10. Does anybody need any map work done? I am more then glad to help.

    1. Alex03


      you have a map for me???

    2. FDNYpower


      Alex03 check your PM

  11. Finally watched The Avengers. I can die now.

  12. Finally,the thief party of HDZ (Croatian Democratic Community) lost elections,no more of stealing millions of dollar in front of public. CROATIA <3

  13. Going to Budapest in few hours, cant wait!

  14. Happy New Year from Croatia :DD

  15. Hello from sunny island of Pag in Croatia with temperature rising up to 40*C

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      in croatia "klompen" are called "klompe" and they are very popular with doctors in hospitals xD

    3. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      OMG !!! Klompens or Klompes in hospitals ? That sounds a bit different :D



      Almost every doctor and other medical staff in hospitals,that i saw, wear them.

  16. Horrible accident in Croatia : Bus with tourists crashed and landed on the side,8 people died,43 are injured,6-10 seriously....

    1. met police999

      met police999

      rip to those who died



      indeed,14-year girl is fighting for her life at University Hospital Centre Zagreb, hope she survives....

  17. I cant get out of my flat because of the 2 meters of snow that has fallen during the night -.-"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cops


      haha just like the Netherlands... only we got not that much as you have...

    3. Rlast


      Certainly a "Dobry Jutro" then :P My Croatian is not too good D:



      well, every winter is like this,and this winter has jut started

      Rlast- Croatian language is hard to learn, one of the hardest in the world i think, and if you know even just few words, i admire you :)

  18. Just had plane crash in Winterberg mod.... Complete chaos-21 dead, 26 injured , red cross helicopter crashed while trying to land and responding with all available units. Probably most challenging call i have ever had.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      what kind of plane was it and was it in a residential i dont have the mod you see cant speak a bit german



      It has English version :)

      It was a big plane,boeing or airbus and it fall between buildings and forest so i had both victims and fires to treat.

    4. met police999
  19. Learning to be a DJ, wish me luck :)

  20. Luka Modric has FINALLY signed for Real Madrid,even though i am Barcelona fan i think that this will be the year of Real.

    1. Kermit


      But Real was unlucky with the

      2 - 1 loss. But Barca won! Forza Barca! :)



      3:2* xD

      I am huge fan of barca but trust me,modric is probably one of the best players in the world even if he doesnt score goals,i wathced him when he played for Dinamo Zagreb and in every game that i watched,30+, he was magnificent.

      I hope that barca will win everything but it is going to be very hard for them :(


  22. Merry Christmas to you and your families :D

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