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Posts posted by Station27

  1. Can anyone help me im starting a new mod and its going to be about las vegas metro pd so can anyone help me and tell me where i can get modding tools from. id really appreciate it.

    Are there going to be Fire and EMS also. You should look <here>

  2. A bit harsh imo lol, but I agree with your basic points for the most part.

    I dont think all the roads should round out at the end. Run this address for google maps:

    4314 East Riverside Drive, Evansville, Indiana

    And see most streets here do not round out. Then go down to street view and look at the dead end. The street may as well run through to the back of the APT complex over there but it doesnt. Now I do agree some should round out for variety, but not all.

    Some of the streets do indeed need patching up. Some parts look like 2 street textures just chopped together.

    As stated earlier its the image thats choppy not the actual texture look at the second one almost flawless.


  3. Okay to answer some questions.

    I'm in the navy as I have stated before, I have been away for 5 months, get back to the UK on the 29th December.

    If it is possible, there is a mod development kit with it, I will contemplate moving the mod to EM2012, I think most of the models and skins are high enough quality, although it is questionable wether I can transfer the code work, which would be a shame, if there is a new SDK on EM2012, it is possible I could release versions on both platform, and see which would be best to advance from.

    Althought I have been busy away, before I went away I had added a lot of code and features that I have not advertised on here, such as for example, having paramedics as individual people who go fetch a stretcher from the ambulance when required, like in reality.

    Does anyone know when EM2012 is released in the UK and if the SDK is coming with it??

    Hope that explains things. Thankyou for your support as ever guys! :)

    You cant do mods in EM2012 as there is no editor or anything of that sort.

  4. It's full of mistakes, sorry to say it. Most of the road parts don't even fit eachother or aren't connected. The roads that ends (like small roads with residence on it) doesn't have a nice rounding or anything to show they actually stop. Also is the roads going across the water which it should not; Bridges cover this, the road can now be seen underneath the bridge too...

    All in all 0/10 - sorry, but it's reality, I really see no effort put into this.


    Not to mention that when the roads hit eachother the pavements is not rounded off, and even some of the roads just has a "Head on collision" without any realistic items to show the road colors change. I even see a road where a pavement gets the same treatment.

    I will pass this on to him be advised that this is not a final version just the base of what will be finished

  5. Hey thanks! And yeah I was plannig on roundding the corners, just needed a break from this model :machkaputt: lol, This is actually my first full blown model so I am still learning on the fly! Also I have picked up a few tricks that I plant to apply the the squad.

    @cops: thanks I will be sure to watch this!

    @Station27 Watertower is going in to a slight rework and modification atm. other buildings yet to be started due to cramming for school.

    Okay liamhomie is adding some buildings to the map now so this will give you time to keep working before he needs them

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