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Status Updates posted by Marshall8946

  1. Incase you guys want to read some news on Ravenna, here you go! http://www.recordpub.com/news local/2013/02/20/additional-dispatcher-voted-down-in-ravenna.modal ********************** http://www.recordpub.com/news local/2013/02/21/ravenna-sets-goals-in-strategic-plan.modal

  2. Its official! Ravenna PD now has the new charger! It look so nice! Too bad I couldn't get pics, he was on a stop.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. goog


      dodge durango's too but my point is the cvpi has been discontinued so it shouldn't be a surprise if a big or small city police force uses any of the aforementioned vehicles.

    3. Marshall8946


      Very true, its just pretty shocking. Since we are a town we don't get very many new toys.

  3. I need opinions, Im not the best when it comes to computer hardware. Im looking for a better graphics card that can manage higher graphics. Im intrested in playing GTA IV, and 5 when it comes out. I found one card that I heard was decent, so whats your thoughts? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130744

    1. bradski1111


      i could help its quite a good card

  4. Does anyone know where I can find good blueprints for fire engines?

    1. Marshall8946


      Thank you! Im 'attempting' modeling some vehicles.

  5. Who here knows how to create lightbars? Im in need of some new lightbars for the Ravenna submod and the submod that's coming after that. They are nothing difficult or complicated.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Marshall8946


      Okay, I can send you some pics and you decide. Do you know of any tutorials on modeling so I can start doing some stuff myself.

    3. cops


      yeah sure, send me the pics and I'll give you a tutorial ^^

    4. Marshall8946


      That'd be amazing!! Sending them now :)

  6. Only two weeks away from Christmas, and not even a drop of snow here!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rlast


      That was just the smouldering ashes from the people burning cars.

    3. Fred03


      2 words "lake affect"

    4. Marshall8946
  7. Anyone whos interested in bidding online, heres a great place I found out the other day! https://www.listia.com/signup/2240466

  8. I wonder how well the game would look on a 65" monitor?? Hopefully I can get a 25" at least! http://youtu.be/Mx7LusUbkBQ

    1. met police999

      met police999

      it would probably look amazing

    2. Zach1019


      that would be sick!

    3. Marshall8946
  9. Who on here plays multiplayer? And what mods do you play online?

  10. I found this game in an 'off topic' post. Well Im hooked on it and wanted to share it since I never heard of it till the other day. Its like a basic version of 911FR, kind of like the first GTA. http://www.fire911.net/?u=22527 Add me! I use the same username!

    1. Marshall8946


      Great! Add me on there!

  11. Got FSX working! Not the best but pretty good with this computer! Anyone who wants to fly let me know!

  12. Ravenna's Graduation tomorrow! I'm pretty excited and nervous...

  13. Last day as a senior in high school!!!! Still stressing out about the criminal justice lab and math exam though.. Im pretty excited and nervous at the same time..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Todd15


      I miss high school.. haha. Where else are you locked up all day with girls?

    3. Marshall8946


      ^Hahaha!!!!!!!! Yeah Im going up to Stark State for Homeland Security Information Technology and after that Im going for Cyber Security and Computer Forensics Technology. Then transferring to Akron U for Criminal Justice! I cant believe its all over!

    4. griffy


      nice my friend and yes todd thats true but most of the girls in my school aint all that good looking

  14. What are some good sites to get emergency sirens??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marshall8946


      That is all I'd need. I have a sound editing program that I've been working with greatly.

    3. Marshall8946


      Thank you! Ive been using that now.

  15. Got backed up on some lighting projects, if anyone wants to help me lights some vehicles, let me know!

    1. search_destroy
    2. griffy


      yep thanks to my computer taking a big steamy crap i cant do it so yea hopefully ill get it fixed soon

  16. Finally!! Back to playing/working with 911FR! Now I just got to remember which files go where and to what...

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